4.5 ⭐️ this was soooo good!! It really made me think about the lies that are told and the consequences of those lies. The story was compelling and I just wanted to know how it would end.
This is my second One Direction fan fic. Am I a One Direction fan...no!! Why do I keep reading these books... no idea!
Anyway, this was better written and less toxic than After, so it has that going for it. It was a quick and easy read. It will also be my last One Direction fan fic.
3.5 ⭐️
I struggled a bit with this one. The writing was beautiful but I found I was often bored with the characters. I also didn't like how Jo's life developed in the end. Perhaps I had different expectations because I really enjoyed the Greta Gerwig movie which was very different from the book.
3.85 ⭐️ I liked this one waaayyyy more than Happy Place. The romance was cute and the characters were tolerable, dare I say I was rooting for them. However, this was not a funny story. I was kinda expecting a romcom type situation but no, pretty normal Emily Henry romance. I also kinda thought it was little too long and dragged a bit in the middle. Overall though, my second favourite Emily Henry book 2 out of 4 ain't bad
3.5 ⭐️
This was fun and thrilling. Although I wouldn't say there were any twists, it was all pretty predictable. But it was a well written and engaging thriller.
Miss Fox... this book was indeed a masterpiece! It was interesting, well written, and probably one of my favourite celebrity memoirs.
2.75 stars, this was not my favourite. I wanted to like this one but I was sometimes bored by the story and most of it was pretty ridiculous. I didn't laugh at the funny parts and just wasn't really into it. It was well written but kinda lost on me.
Sorry to all the people who love this book.
3.5 ⭐️ this was a really well written novel. I have never read a book where there was not a single male character and it was kinda nice and refreshing. I also loved the resilience of the main character and the other women of the story.
But by the end I was bored. It began to feel extremely repetitive.
2.5 stars
Let's start with the good. I liked how the author didn't name the “bad guy” (although it was clear who the story was based on) of the book and instead referred to him as the Defendant. Too often with true crime we focus on the crime and the person who committed it. We give them the attention they are seeking while the victims stories are forgotten. This is very much the story of the victims and it humanized them. We saw the impacts of the crime rather than focusing on the crime/violence itself which I thought was important.
I just felt like it was slow and I was bored reading most of it. At one point I felt I could have skipped to the end and I wouldn't have missed much. I guess I was hoping for a fast paced story.