A Killer Latte


Average rating5


Roxy and Patrick are happily married now, and a movie has come to film in Honey Springs. Roxy is providing sweets and coffee for the production, and Aunt Maxi has press credentials, writing for People magazine. The star of the movie, Daisy Lemon, makes arrangements with Roxy to pay a hush-hush visit to the Bean Hive. After getting one of Roxy's special Star-Studded Lattes, Daisy walks out the door, only to be kidnapped before Roxy's eyes. When Roxy tries to solve the puzzle, she starts to wonder who Daisy Lemon really is, and what secrets she's been hiding. And then Aunt Maxi disappears, too.

I love Roxy. I love Patrick. I love Roxy and Patrick together. I wish Honey Springs was a real place so I could go visit. It's that much fun to read about. This is another delightful read from Tonya Kappes, and there are twists and turns aplenty to keep you hooked until the very end. (And recipes, too!)

Disclaimer: I read an advance copy of the book provided by the publisher. All opinions expressed here are my own, and I don't say nice things about books I don't like.

April 22, 2019Report this review