Average rating3.3
I am a complete Ender fanatic.With that being said, this book is more of a short story or novella than a novel. Don't expect it to take you long to get through. Plus, it doesn't offer a solid view of Ender. It takes place during Ender's time at Battle School.For a feel good Christmas story for the Ender fan, I say read this. If you're a somewhat Ender fan, I still say read it. Its so short that you're not wasting days on it. If you are completely unfamiliar with the Ender series, it helps to have a background on the Battle School before reading... so read [b:Ender's Game 375802 Ender's Game (Ender's Saga, #1) Orson Scott Card http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1214413570s/375802.jpg 2422333] first.