Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer

Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer

1997 • 145 pages


Average rating4


When I read a book like this, it makes me wish I was a Catholic. The book is a compilation of little quotes from theologian Keating's earlier books. In the forward to the book, Gustave Reininger writes that this book can be thought of as a “minute book,” something Keating suggested, a book that one can take along in a pocket or a purse, “a series of short readings—a sentence or two, or at most a short paragraph—from your favorite spiritual writers or from your own journal that reminds you of your commitment to Christ and to contemplative prayer.”

Here's one sample, originally from Keating's Heart of the World: “Vulnerability means to be hurt over and over again without seeking to love less, but more.”

March 27, 2011Report this review