Average rating4.2
Damn it... it's an ongoing series and the second book leaves you hanging on the edge of a massive cliff
“Wishes are the dangerous mind games we play with ourselves. The only way to win is not to play”
I think after this book I need to read a happy book again. It is filled with so many twists and turns I honestly had a hard time keeping up sometimes. However, this world building is truly incredible and don't even get me started on the magic system. Deonn has clearly thought long and hard about every tiny aspect in the world and it makes for an engaging read.
The characters are amazing and they all have very unique personalities that come across through their words. I absolutely love some of the new characters such as Valec - I definitely want to see more of them - and also the old characters from Legendborn. Bree, of course, is an absolute badass. Nick I wish we'd seen more of. William is one of my favourite characters and I love him to pieces. Selwyn, Selwyn the demon boy has my entire heart and can do no wrong (despite the fact that he has definitely done lots of things wrong). I really love his personality and although he does have issues, I love how he can have a soft spot for the people he cares about.
All in all, an amazing book that I highly recommend getting your teeth stuck into if you love fast paced, action packed, fantasy books with a hint of romance <3
Un finale del genere dovrebbe essere illegale... Non so come riprendermi da tutto ciò che è successo e soprattutto come superare il nostro ‘Grumpy Wizard' Selwyn Kane.
Vado a sbattere la testa contro un muro.
Ci sarà un seguito, vero? VERO?
Parlando seriamente.
Un degno sequel in tutto e per tutto.
Solo un po' lenta la parte centrale, e sento che il pov di Bree e la situazione abbiano limitato almeno parzialmente il potenziale di Nick. Personaggio che ho trovato piatto nel primo libro e poco sfruttato nel secondo.
C'è anche da dire che Tracy Deonn gestisce bene le dinamiche relazionali e - per i miei personalissimi gusti - c'è un perfetto equilibrio tra trama e romance.
I'm less than a hundred pages in and so very bored by this; its unnecessarily covoluted and nothing has even happened. Having read some balanced reviews, I'm comfortable that I'm not missing out by returning this to the library at this point. I find Deonn's writing clunky and she described a character a being “drenched” in an outfit which grated my inner editor.
screaming and crying and throwing up
if bree, sel and nick aren't poly endgame im going to run into traffic
A little bit YA fantasy clich?? and lots of clever and unexpected plot twists to make up for it.
This sequel did not disappoint! I could barely put it down and with each page turned I fell in love with the characters more. And that ending? Did not see the plot twist coming at all. Can't wait to read the next book and hopefully get to enjoy more Selwyn and Bree interactions!
Give me a second to pull myself together ...
Oke, Tracy Deonn you are a poet! The way I want to remember every quote and the way these characters made me feel I have not felt many a time.
When I say that, this book kept surprising me in so many ways. I did not think I would feel so much, so many times, and you are now one of my favourite authors.
Experiencing this world through Bree's eyes is just such a vivid experience that I felt everything she did. The bonds she forms with her companions, but also her heritages, were made so beautifully and build upon Legendborn perfectly.
I cannot wait to read EVERY BOOK Tracy Deonn writes, because I know every single one of them will move me in some kind of way.
DNF/Opgegeven op blz. 294 (±52%)Dat ik dit boek niet zou gaan uitlezen, had ik in eerste instantie niet zien aankomen. Na mijn toch wel lauwe ervaring bij het herlezen van [b:Legendborn 50892338 Legendborn (Legendborn, #1) Tracy Deonn https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1598382979l/50892338.SY75.jpg 61991309], kreeg ik wel een jammerlijk voorgevoel, dat helaas realiteit werd.Ik heb het nog langer volgehouden dan ik voor een ander boek zou doen, denk ik, want ik las het boek meer dan 50% uit, vooraleer ik mezelf gewonnen gaf.De schrijfstijl voelde echt heel erg houterig aan. De dialogen waren zo onnatuurlijk en bepaalde personages bestaan blijkbaar enkel om te interageren met het hoofdpersonage en om haar informatie te geven. Daarnaast wordt alle nieuwe informatie op de meest saaie, wikipedia-encyclopedie achtige manier aan de lezer gebracht, dat het een ware klus wordt om het te lezen.Ik ergerde mij ook blauw aan het gedrag van ons hoofdpersonage. Ja, ik weet het, het is een tiener en als volwassene kan je je daar wel eens aan ergeren, maar ik kon me er hier niet over zetten. Iedere keer ze haar mond opendeed, iets dacht of iets deed, stoorde mij dit op één of andere manier, en gezien ze ons hoofdpersonage is, was dit dus bijna iedere bladzijde van dit boek.Het verhaal voelde ook slordig aan en te veel. Dus ja, met pijn in het hart toch besloten de DNF'en.
All Bree wanted was to discover the truth about her mother’s death. But life has drastically changed since she began her search. Pulled into the world of magic and Arthurian legend, Bree is now fighting for her life at every turn. And the Order that should be helping her, would rather bury the truth about the war. Bree must find a way to control her powers and forge her own path. But it will be a path ridden with danger and heartbreak.
Tracy Deonn is a master storyteller. Readers will be drawn in by well crafted descriptions and strong characters. Each character has a complex mix of emotions, pulling them in different directions. And the way those emotions are portrayed, using various senses to amplify the way characters speak and behave toward one another, brings forth such a remarkable display. Readers can’t help but be pulled into the moment and carried along as the story unfolds.
One of the most powerful scenes is when Bree faces down the Regents about her heritage and how she came to have her powers. The outright lies by omission and ignorance displayed by the Regents are upsetting and eye-opening. As Bree argues and pulls facts right in front of them, they still wish to deny what is blatantly obvious. To the Regents namesake and covering up misdeeds to save their “honor” are more important. Readers will feel outraged right alongside Bree as the Regents refuse to look beyond their limited and bigoted behaviors.
Bree has so much to deal with, yet she never backs down. Bloodmarked will leave readers poised at the edge of their seats as Bree faces down one challenge after another. Be it demons, or the Order itself, Bree will not go down without a fight. Not to mention the number of twists and turns the story takes will ensure there is never a dull moment. And listening to the audiobook, all of the character’s emotions were amplified. The way narrator Joniece Abbott-Pratt brings the characters to life is stunning.
Bloodmarked is another strong installment to the Legendborn series. From the first chapter till the last, readers will be captivated by the story. And with the way this one ends, I cannot wait to see what the next book brings
Originally posted at www.behindthepages.org.
I felt like this book was a little unnecessarily long without the actual story/character progression to warrant it and the whole Bree-Sel-Nick thing had me rolling my eyes at times, but otherwise it was a fun read and explores the world more.
really enjoyed it. it is a really good second book in the series. fun read, the characters are growing in this book. the writing style is still a little bit to slow for me. but it makes me exited for book 3
“Bree's powers are unpredictable and dangerous, and she can't escape her growing attraction to Selwyn.”
Book 2 of The Legendborn Cycle was everything I wanted.
We pick up where we left off with Bree figuring out her new status in the secret society of magic wielding members that are descendants of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable and Merlin. All while trying to understand her ancestral power and the history that is buried with her ancestors. The Regents want to do whatever it takes to understand Bree and hide the war which has Bree running with her close friends while trying to dodge threats from all angles and trying to get back Nick, the boy she has a deep connection with.
The action, romance, magic, friendship, and overall story telling is *chef's kiss. I love Bree even more and love her arc in this book. We learn so much while also getting more questions. I love how Tracy Deonn can give you so much hope while also keeping you sweating with anxiety for all of the characters. I also love seeing things from a different perspective. Representation matters. The author's note at the end is so informative and important as well! If you can't see by how many times I've said “I love” in this review, I loved this book. I'm so excited to see what comes next for Bree.
I was able to switch between reading this ebook and the audiobook and also highly recommend listening to the audiobook. Joniece Abbot-Pratt is amazing and does such a wonderful job at bringing the characters to life.
It was so good. I couldn't put it down. Fantasy, action, lovable characters. I thought they might be about to take down every hierarchical structure standing in their way at some points. I would preorder a book three right now if it were possible.
Oh man I thought I already reviewed this? BLEH. I read it awhile ago. UM I was really excited to read it after the cliffhanger from Book 1 but then this one left me hanging on another cliffhanger!! I feel like it suffered from middle-book syndrome but I still love Bree as a character and will defo read the next one.
I did not particularly enjoy legendborn but I have a problem leaving series unfinished and decided to give Bloodmarked a chance.
This story is an absolute mess, there's no other way to describe it.
It's a 4.5 in my heart.
Some things did not go as planned at all, and there's a lot of character development that had to be had in this and I get it, I understand, I just don't like it.
Part of me was battling myself a lot of times during the reading experience because I wanted perfect almost easy. Tracy didn't give me easy, she gave me complex, and messy and in construction, and a different kind of reluctant hero coming of age.
But Tracy also gave me meaningful, mysterious, captivating and deeply enjoyable, and for that I am thankful.
Awalnya Bree hanya ingin mengetahui kebenaran di balik kematian ibunya. Jadi dia menyusup ke organisasi rahasia Orde Legendborn di kampusnya, yang belakangan terungkap merupakan keturunan dari para ksatria Raja Arthur. Dalam perjalanannya terungkap juga Bree mewarisi kekuatan dari pihak keluarga ibunya, leluhurnya Vera yang merupakan rootcrafter. Bree adalah seorang medium (bisa terhubung dengan leluhurnya yang telah tiada) dan Scion (Arthur).
Camlann, perang kuno antara Legendborn dengan para mahluk Shadowborn di ambang pintu, dan Nick, cowok yang disayangi Bree, yang juga Scion Lancelot, diculik.
Para Regents yang memerintah orde Legendborn, ingin menyembunyikan perang, untuk menghindari perpecahan di badan Orde. Terlebih lagi, Bree belum bisa mengontrol kekuatannya sendiri karena ada dia mewarisi dua kekuatan sekaligus, dari garis keturunan Arthur sekaligus garis keturunan Vera, leluhurnya.
Bree sama sekali tidak menduga apa yang telah direncanakan oleh para Regent dalam prosesi ritual penobatannya sebagai Scion Arthur. Pada akhirnya Bree dan kawan-kawannya harus berusaha mencari keberadaan Nick dengan usaha sendiri tanpa camput tangan Regent.
Ketika aku selesai membaca Legendborn, harapanku untuk buku kedua adalah, lebih banyak Selwyn Kane. Dan miss Deonn mengabulkannya di Bloodmarked ini
Contains spoilers
OK, could be just me, but this book introduced so many new ways to make Bree even more magicky that it sorta felt a little bit info dumpy. I otherwise liked the book though and hope all this extra stuff is needed for the next part and not just to make the story more convoluted.
Sel better fucking get better and get back in the picture, cause nick and bree's romance is so unexciting in comparison