Another Stormy Glenn addition, another good read.

I'm still seriously disturbed by this premise is some quotes explaining the premise..

“I would like you all to drink a toast with me in memory of those we lost” The Elder held up his champagne glass and waited until everyone in the crowd held their own glass”“You've all taken a toast with me. As such you are now bound by the covenants we put before you. Each of you have twenty-four hours to find and claim your mate. If you fail to claim a mate in twenty-four hours and bring him or her (who is he kidding, ain't no “hers” in these books! lol) before the council to be recognized, you will not have a mate. You will go feral inside a week”

blah blah blah...

“To insure that you will find a mate, something special has been added to the potion that each of you drank. It will insure that the need to mate outweighs your need to fight. It is a particular additive that induces the mating heat in each of you. You will not be able to deny the need to mate!

SO...basically the elders roofied everyone??!! Who thought dubious consent was a good premise for a series of books? lol

In anycase, aside from that whole debacle, I am enjoying these for the most part!

December 9, 2015