Cover 1

Fast Times at Fairmont High

Fast Times at Fairmont High



Average rating3.3


As this is a novella, it's quite short (<3 hours). I just couldn't get into it. The technology in it was interesting, but that was about the only part I found enjoyable. It's about a bunch of middle school kids at a high-tech school.The main character Juan has been convinced by his friend to partner up with Miriam, a girl he doesn't know for their “offline” project, where they aren't allowed to make use of net that is even more prevalent in their lives as it today with today's smart phones.I've been told this is set in the same world as [b:Rainbows End 15736153 Rainbows End Vernor Vinge 3101132], which I haven't read. Mr. Vinge does set up an interesting world, even if this particular story isn't very interesting, so if that's true, maybe I would enjoy that novel better.Audio book: The audio reader: Eric Michael Summerer was alright, but nothing special. His accent for William kept reminding me of George Takei.

June 10, 2013Report this review