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Feline the Burn

2020 • 147 pages

Lacey Carter Anderson, L.A. Boruff, and Laura Greenwood team again to continue their “The Firehouse Feline” series with Feline the Burn. I think it is important to note that if you have not read the previous two books then not all will be as it seems to you. The authors do not update the readers on the backstory enough that you will think some characters are “friendlies” when they are not.

I feel like I can best describe Burn as the setup for what is to come. Like the episode before Buffy was going after the Original. Everyone is preparing and training and there is some nookie here and there. We find out more about James' past. Crumbs are really left all over the place of secrets that still need to be told.

Now we just need to see how these writers are going to end it.

I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.

May 24, 2020