Average rating3.8
I'll take the system and principles of Getting Things Done to my professional and personal life for the years!
I started reading while performing the system by my own, and is incredible the productivity boost I've got from work and the projects at home. Most importantly is the tranquility with which I can leave work every day or go to sleep every night without the feeling that something is forgotten because I know the system reminds me of “next actions” that I must take in the most convenient time and place.
The power of the key principles. Capturing Habit, Next-Action and, Outcome Focusing.
In my Capturing Habit stage, I feel like using a Pensieve from the Harry Potter series, taking off my mind everything that has to be remembered and clearing my RAM to have ideas and enjoy my current activity after all “Your Brain is for having ideas not storing them.” -David Allen
“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”.
The power of the Next-Action where overwhelming projects become a set of doable tasks, one by one is done until a big project is completed.
In my professional life and do to other experiences I was aware of the power of Outcome Focusing, where I trace back the steps from the End goal to my Next-Action.
I only wish I have finished this book when it was released and I personally think this system should be something though on High-School or as a common class in college.
In the future, I would certainly recommend this book to all my mentees.