Holy Sister
2019 • 336 pages


Average rating4.3


If I had to describe this book with one word it'd be “unconvincing”. I'm not convinced about Glass' machinations, I'm not convinced about Nona's feelings for her friends and especially not for looks up name Regol (I didn't actually care enough to look his name and I don't care if it's not right), I wasn't convinced of the large scale battle or how it was resolved, I'm not convinced about any of the spoilery developments, and I wasn't even convinced of the person Nona ends up with even though I was rooting for it.

I also wasn't convinced the flashback section of the story had any business being in this book and not the previous one, booth books would have been stronger for it. The last book felt incomplete and this one felt divided.

Could have used those pages to give Ara and Clara much needed focus. They're supposed to be important but barely get more mention than the rest of Nona's friend group. Clara is understandable though when she does appear her conclusion still seems rushed but Ara really neded more (See the ending being unconvincing).

Nothing in it is terrible but nothing is particularly good either? Okay conclusion to a okay continuation of a great start. I'm not even really disappointed it delivered the bare minimum to be good and that's fair enough.

April 16, 2019Report this review