Average rating3.9
This review might contain some minor spoilers, I'll try to make it as light as possible. :D
This book. This book is what I've been looking for in a long time. It was a dystopian, but I didn't get bored, it had some romance, but it was well carried and it had well-crafted, action-packed scenes. I can't believe it took me so long to read this. What have I been doing?
Legend takes place in a dystopian America where we find “groups” that go by the Colonies, the Republic and the Patriots. Apparently, the Republic has the mayor power, then the Colonies and last the Patriots. I did not exactly understood what was happening all around this theme, which was a problem for me. One of the only flaws in this book that I expect will be solved in the second and third book.
We find ourselves in the lives of the Republicans, where they are divided in sectors, I believe. They do this test, called the Trial, where they test your physical and mental abilities, scoring from 0 being the lowest and 1500 the highest. You have to take this test at the age of ten, where depending of your results you will be placed in different levels of society. There is also a plague running around that frightens every one who can't pay for the vaccines. And, of course, those are the lowest sectors. Here, we meet Day, one of the most wanted criminals of the Republic. who's Legend runs around telling incredible tales about his adventures as a rebel. Then we find June, the only girl who got a score of 1500 on the Trial test, who then got immediately sent to college and is about to graduate at the age of 15.
With this premise I was already sparkling with excitement and with all the glowing reviews I've read I was even more excited. As I went reading, I couldn't help but picture it as a movie rolling on my mind. It was perfect. I feel really happy about that aspect.
As for the characters, June, was bad-ass. She is the most accurate definition of bad-ass that I have ever found on a book. She kicks ass. She's a prodigy. She's super smart. She knows how to defend herself pretty damn well. She's clever. And she's pretty as well. And she's fifteen. Day was so cute, as in, he's amazing. He's just as bad-ass as June (maybe a little less) and he has done this incredible things and I can't help but love him. He has this cocky personality that you can help but smile at. And as what I pictured, he's pretty handsome. The rest of the characters were very-well crafted and very believable. I even got to hate a few of them!
I think the best of this book was the action scenes. I literally felt my heart rate speeding up so fast and thumping like a hammer in my chest reading a few of the scenes. Specially the last scene (if you've read the book, you know what I'm talking about). That scene had me trembling and shaking in my seat. I read it while at school and I was throwing this little screams every now and then and people were looking at me weird. But I didn't care. The scene was so amazing.
The romance was perfect, at least for me. I'm not one of those people who like sugar-coated loves, I like though love better. And this book had romance, but it they didn't waver around each other, nor did they launch themselves to the other with instant-love. They were hesitant at first, but it wasn't as annoying as some other books I've read. It made sense. And they weren't so insecure about stupid things. It was perfect.
The only major problem I had with this book was that I pretty much guessed everything that was going to happen. It was very predictable, at least for me. I had the whole plot figured out by half the book. And I also think I have the second book's plot figured out as well, or at least and idea. And that is a big problem for me. I really don't like when that happens. That's why I'm not giving it five stars.
But in general this book was really good, and a lot of people have told me that all of the problems listed before get better in the second book, so I'm not going too hard on this book. It was very entertaining and I can't wait to read the whole trilogy.