Average rating3.8
There have been quite a few YA superhero stories these past few years. First, before their popularity, Brandon Sanderson made his Steelheart series of books, which I loved reading. Next, there was the DC Icons series of books, where a new author tackles a different famous DC superhero. Now, Marissa Meyer decided to throw her hat in the ring, with her Renegades series. I was intrigued by the premise and the title and so I thought I'd give this book a shot. Yet, even after reading this book, and writing down a proper outline and everything, I still do not know what to make of this novel overall.
This book is based on the idea that superheroes exist in our modern day, here called prodigies. One day, a group of them come together and formed The Anarchists, to tear down the governments that wish to suppress them and their powers. The Anarchists win and this gives way to general lawlessness and chaos as the only authority people must watch out for are the local gangs that take the governments place, and The Anarchists, who tolerate them. Then, another group of superpowered people, called the Renegades, come together and in a big battle, kill defeat the Anarchists, restoring to hope the people. Cut to ten years later and we follow a surviving Anarchist named Nova aka Nightmare, who sees the Renegades as the people who failed her when she needed them the most, as her parents were murdered when she was a child. Angry, she wants to do something about it, but her mentor and fellow Anarchist Leroy, disagrees at any direct approach after she failed to kill the Renegade Captain Chromium and instead suggest an alternative plan: join the Renegades as a spy. She then takes up the mantel of Insomnia, as she joins the Renegades as they try to find the person who shot at the Captain (aka her). We also have the viewpoint of Adrian aka Sketch. He is a Renegade who sees the system as being able to only go so far, and to that end he decides to go against his team, and take up the secret mantel of The Sentinel, whom he feels can do more being independent of the Renegades. Can Adrian find out who it was that tried to kill Captain Chromium? Can Nova keep her secret, and find a way to get information on the Renegades, or will her morality win out as she sees that there are more to these people than fancy capes?
As I said in my introduction, I feel conflicted when it comes to this novel. This is because for every element that Meyer introduces, there is something about it that leaves me wanting more. One example could be the espionage in this novel. We see Nova try and hide her secret from the Renegades, and Adrian hide his secret identity as Sentinel. Both times, they come close to their secrets being revealed, but then something else happens to pull them away from the edge of discovery. Things don't go as planned, or the objective changes on the fly, and the tension is ratcheted up again. Meyer has this ability for putting the reader on the edge of their seat, as far as secrets being discovered. However, there is just the small problem that for all the talk of secrets being discovered in this novel, there is very few moments where actual spying is going on here. This brings me to a complaint that I have seen other people make, in that for all of 500 pages, very little happens on this book. I'd agree with this to some extent, but, as far as the espionage is concerned, I think this is a slow burn of a spy thriller TV show, rather than the action packed summer blockbuster film people were expecting.
The powers on display here are cool as well. You have the seemingly ubiquitous ones like the superhero who can control water, or the one who is as invulnerable as Superman, coupled with the strange (kid who can control and turn into smoke, girl who can turn into a swarm of Monarch butterflies) and the downright creepy (man who can analyze and project the fears of those around him, woman who can control bees and hornets). These varied powers come into play often in the story and are used to good effect when they are called for. Meyer strikes a delicate balance between our heroes being in danger, while also being able to get out of said danger without it feeling too convenient. However, Meyer also falls into the trap of having the reader remember these characters based only on their powers, and not their personality or backstory. She just doesn't have strong enough a writing skill to make them memorable to me, to their point that I can remember who Insomnia and Sketch are, but I had to look up their names for this review.
There are also a few decent themes here as well. The most prevalent among them being the question of who a hero is depends on what side of morality you stand on. Throughout the novel Nova mentions that the Renegades are people who are worshiped like gods, and are constantly getting in the way of people like her, who just want to live out their lives in peace. Yet, we see though Adrian, and his two fathers, who are members of the original Renegades, that they do not think of themselves as gods at all. Instead, they legitimately want to help restore the world to its former glory and this is the best way they know how to do it.
But these themes come at the cost of world building. It may be considered a dystopia, but it isn't written like one, with the environments being a weird combination between dystopia and modern life with superheroes in the not-too-distant future. In it, everyone seems to work for the Renegades, who have the coolest tech, and an awesome R&D department. No one seems to be going hungry, and they all have new clothes. Yet many homes in the city are either crumbling or condemned, and many people do not have a sense of time before the Age of Anarchy, so they have very few things like birth certificates and public libraries, or cars and public transportation. The emptiness of the city adds to this feeling. Apart from the massive public parade at the beginning of the book, we never really get a sense that people live in this city, nor that a world exists beyond it. This can leave me feeling like I am reading about the city of Chicago from Divergent (aka, one that is deliberately cut off from outside society), but that is just it, I'm not supposed to.
All of these conflicted feelings make me want to not like this book. The characters are good enough, the world building is good enough, and the story itself is good enough to be very readable at many times. But I cannot ignore how little substance there is for such a long book. Therefore, I give it a 3 out of five. A middle of the road rating for a middle of the road book.
This book was better than I was expecting. Marissa Meyer sometimes struggles when it comes to introducing characters and worlds. Cinder is nothing like the rest of that series and Heartless is a weak book overall, but I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to jump right into this world and these characters lives. Now that being said the so called “twist” at the end could be seen coming a mile away. I predicted it in the first 100 pages or so. But I'm totally here for the couple from opposite sides falling for each other. I'm interested to see how this one is tied up in the second book since this is supposed to be a duology.
I forgot the book ended with that. Holy shit.
This probably would have been a 4 star rating if I found Nova to be a more likable character. But I didn't. So it's not.
Rtc maybe? We'll see.
I've never read anything by this author before, but after this introduction, I'm sure I'll be looking for more. This one is young adult through and through, but fun without getting too series. The world has gone downhill and heroes have risen to stabilize cities. They keep the renegades (evil people with powers) in check and maintain order - or at least that's the hope. The first book in this series follows a renegades journey into infiltrating the hero's in order to bring them down. With a tone similar to Sandersons Reckoners series, it's hard not to have fun with this one.
Aaaiii... la vai.
Na verdade é um • 3,5 SOFRIDO
O que vale a pena nesse livro em uma palavra: ADRIAN
A Nova é irritante deeeeeeeemaaaaaaiis, socorrooo. Para alguém tão inteligente como pode tomar umas atitudes tão, tão entupidas?
Segue resumo das leituras:
# Renegades
03.01 É como se eu estivesse lendo um spinoff de uma filme de Batman versos Coringa - mas não o coringa Heath, maravilhoso, mas aquele desenho da Warner que todo mundo é meio quadrado e a Harlequin é tonta demais.; Ou aquele filme que o Charada é o Jim Carey - só, nos primeiros capítulos, estou acompanhando o Coringa, enquanto torço para o Barman - sem sequer saber se é o Ben Affleck ou o outro moço que sempre esqueço o nome.
Tenho a suposição de que ainda estou em choque que a Nova virou vilã, sem ao menos ao longo da vida tentar entender pq os pais dela morreram. Perceba que o Ace é tio dela, mas seu irmão acreditava nos renegados. E se quem mandou matar o próprio irmão não foi o anarquista que ela tanto defende?
Suspeite de todos.
06.01 Gosto da ideia que a Marissa Meyer colocou de mesclar a questão de que nem todo herói é bom, ou utiliza os métodos corretos.
Porém, sigo nem aí para a Nova. E agora ela vai invadir o clã dos Renegades, ficar amiga de todos, se apaixonar pelo Adrián e ficar depois trair todo mundo.
Adoro os mocinhos, o mundo deles, por mais que as coisas estejam estranhas e nada faça sentido.
O Max é a coisa mais fofa. É como a Iko mas humana e menino.
Estou com saudade de TLC.
Acho que descobri o porque Nova me irritava tanto. Pode ser que não tenha nada a ver, porém, ela é de Gêmeos, irritantemente lógica e observadora, ao mesmo tempo que pessimista com as coisas que se referem a ela. Precavida até o último, mas engenhosa e interessada em química.
Por alguma razão metade... a maioria desses pontos são muito parecidos comigo. Muito.
15.01 finalmente vi graça na Nova
Mas estou um pouco perturbada com o instalove dela com o Adrián.
Não consigo deixar de comparar com Cinder .
P300? a menina olha para a Nova mais de uma vez em busca de confirmação das perguntas mais incriminadores da vida e NINGUÉM suspeita de nada???
Faltando um pouco mais que 100p para acabar
Seguimos indignados. Como ninguém percebeu que a Nova é Anarchist? Ninguém? Ela usa “nós” quando se refere a eles, não decorou o lema dos Renegades, tem umas atitudes bem Velociraptors mesmo. E todos estão okay com isso.
Além do que acho o motivo do ódio dela fraco. Não fraco no sentindo de “você só perdeu sua família” pelo amor de Deus. Mas no sentindo de ela ter um pensamento consolidado de quando era uma menina de 6 anos, quando se já tem 16. E se é tão esperta e sagaz, e a melhor vilã de todas, porquê, ao invés de tentar destruir um império, não investigou oficialmente se os pais foram mortos por displicência dos Heróis?
Após esse capítulo (número aqui) deixou uma ideia de que a mãe do Adrián foi morta tentando salvar a família da Nova. Por isso, ela não chegou a tempo.
Mas enfim. Vamos seguir.
Sigo achando os vilões fracos demais pra ter havido uma guerra. Não consigo dar razão para se ter esse lado vilão.
30.01 p442 você está finalmente gostando (considerando, gostando é forte demais para aquela retardada) da Nova, dai a autoria gentilmente lembra que ela é vilã, VILÃ, que tem umas atitudes bosta, um comportamento volátil e... caga tudo. De novo.
Não gosto da Nova
E, novamente, é como se eu estivesse lendo um plano muito muito ruim se formar aka gente fraca querendo dominar o mundo
Comparei com mistborn. Querendo ou não, essa é a ideia base (um grupo menor de gatunos querendo derrotar a supremacia). Porém não consigo ver lógica. Quando anarquia é uma boa coisa?
O que não consigo entender é como ela tão inteligente não consegue pensar nos detalhes das coisas que faltam no quebra-cabeça??
... não me deixou louca da vida esse final. Na verdade achei bem... okay, esperado. A partir do momento que comentaram que ele se jogou.
Mas enfim... segue o baile.
A Nova é chata demais. Gente.
No final ela disse umas coisas que prestava - sobre a população se acomodar e talz. Parou aí.
É uma pena que não desenvolveu-se mais os demais personagens. Até agora não sei nada de nada da crew de Adrian que mereça nota que não seja a Danna é legal e os outros dois são infantis. Ponto.
Leremos Arch Enemys?
Re-read before finally reading archenemies.
I still loved the book. Nova is a queen and I really love her character.
Adrian is still cute.
Yeah, I'm all for it. Also loved that this book is a slow burn romance, for as far as I've read in this book.
Given up at 25% through the book. There is nothing original or interesting about the story. A clichéd hero vs villain super hero narrative , that was so empty of any depth of character, or detail that I had to check that it wasn't targeted at pre-teens.
Rating: 3.5/5
Review at https://bookblubbs.wordpress.com/2019/11/19/review-renegades-by-marissa-meyer-renegades-1/
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Original de: El Blog del Gato - El Extraño Gato del Cuento
hubo una razón muy, muy incontrolable para Marissa Meyer que me hizo no poder tomarme del todo muy en serio el libro, Will & Grace regresó a la TV y esto pasa en uno de sus episodios:
Fuera de broma y en la parte positiva del libro, Renegades es un libro entretenido, es inclusivo, hay un Renegade con discapacidad física visible, lo cual se me hizo bastante agradable de leer, y en realidad, Nova, es una especie de metáfora sobre discapacidad. O al menos eso quiero creer.
Marissa Meyer trae la premisa sobre que pasa luego que los buenos vencen a los malos, cuál con los Tratados de Sokovia, no todo es tan de flores y muchos colores, en lo personal no estuve un 100% satisfecha con la historia, incluso pensar ahora en el libro me pone un poco tensa por todas las oportunidades donde los villanos pudieron haber usado un poco más la cabeza. Supongo que la escritora se está guardando todo para los siguientes libros.
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Decent but I think it could be so much better. I found Nova annoying and unsympathetic despite the tragedy she experienced at such a young age. Adrian is a bit too sweet. The ending didn't surprise me. Meh, perhaps the conclusion will be better.
I don't even know what to say tbh except I loved it and I will be reading the sequel soon
I've never read anything by this author before, but after this introduction, I'm sure I'll be looking for more. This one is young adult through and through, but fun without getting too series. The world has gone downhill and heroes have risen to stabilize cities. They keep the renegades (evil people with powers) in check and maintain order - or at least that's the hope. The first book in this series follows a renegades journey into infiltrating the hero's in order to bring them down. With a tone similar to Sandersons Reckoners series, it's hard not to have fun with this one.
More like 2.5 stars. The story lacked to surprise as I really bored in reading it. There was a lot of dialogue that served only to fill up pages.I would suggest anyone interested in reading a book of this genre, go check out [b:Steelheart 17182126 Steelheart (The Reckoners, #1) Brandon Sanderson https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1357576738s/17182126.jpg 21366540] by [a:Brandon Sanderson 38550 Brandon Sanderson https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1394044556p2/38550.jpg].
the ending was??? wtf?????
i hate this book but OMG IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE MARISSA MEYER She makes me so happy I can't wait for Arch Enemies :')
but srsly though can adrian and nova make out now OMFG, AAAAAHHHHH this book is great great great great aaaahhhhhh
actual review: An amazing book. I love the world and characters. Especially the way the characters are written, you think you like them, but then maybe they're also bad? But they're like kinda good. I guess one could say “Morally Ambiguous.” Except they're not? It's difficult for me to explain. It's just really fantastic, and has lots of little things you dont expect. I especially love the switch in perspectives. I feel Meyer did it at the most perfect moments, which both frustrated me and gave me a deep appreciation for this book. It's so good!!
OK so, Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles were INCREDIBLE fairy tale retellings that just completely re-invented the source material, so innovative, next-level great. Then that Alice in Wonderland thing was...listen, it was bad, I'm sorry, but it was bad.
So this book was a wild card for me to pick up–would it be good? Would it be bad? She's capable of both!
My verdict...it was....good? Not spectacular the way my beloved Lunar Chronicles were, but...good. She's playing with superhero tropes in a way that's fun but not exactly groundbreaking (at least not for a reader who's read a lot of superhero comics, eg me). But I liked the characters (including the gay superhero dads), it was a fun read, and I'll definitely keep my eyes open for the next book.
I really enjoyed this first in the series. Gave me marvel/dc vibes throughout and felt it was a pretty quick read regardless of being a semi thick book. Definitely recommend if you are into villains and superheroes.
This was actually a pretty good book. Fairy enjoyable, and kept me turning page after page. It's a it longer than the average YA book I think, so I was worried I wouldn't finish it before it as due. I needn't have worried. I raced through it because it was a high action intense story. That being said, I did give it 3 stars. You know when you're given writing prompts and a bunch of people use the same prompt but get different stories? It's kinda like this book was written from a writing prompt. The idea isn't a new one, which is something I think Marissa Meyer is used to especially with the Lunar Chronicles. The general concept of the story isn't anything I would be shocked to hear about. But that's not to say it's not interesting. She has a way of writing that keeps you hooked. It just felt a little cliché. Even so, I can't wait for the next book and out of all my theories, the last few sentences I did not expect. Another great Marissa Meyer!!
I had such high expectations for this book and so much of it just fell flat. Although the premise of the book seemed interesting, and Marissa Meyer is known for reimaginings, I found this book to be very basic and like every other superhero book. It definitely had unique aspects, but overall it seemed very cookie cutter. This book didn't bring anything new or exciting to the realm of superheroes. Although I liked the two main characters individually, I really didn't like them together. Their romance seemed forced and I didn't feel any chemistry. I really couldn't care less about the Renegade side characters, and while I really did like the Anarchist side characters, I feel like I barely got to know them. The writing, while definitely not bad, felt very basic and young-adult to me. The whole book felt very much like setting up for the next one. In general, I found Renegades to be charming enough, but definitely predictable and boring at times.
As a whole, I really liked this book. I thought it was a great introduction to this world and the character in it. I didn't have much trouble getting invested in the story and I stayed engaged as I was reading. I did find myself feeling rushed to the end during the last few chapters, but I feel like that may have been on purpose. The best thing that I can say about Renegades is that after reading it, I'm super excited to start the next book in the trilogy.
I don't even know what to say tbh except I loved it and I will be reading the sequel soon