Cover 3

Unicorn Mates

Leola is on the trail to find out who murdered her parents when she bumps into her lion's share of men and she takes advantage of the situation.

Leola is hiking through the woods on a trail which should lead her to the location where her parents were murdered. While resting, three men “discover” her resting. Leola cannot believe that three delicious men like them are just walking around the forest. They are obviously interested in her and she is interested in them. Romp One.

Days go by and Leola is still thinking about the guys in the woods, so she decides to go back but with a little bit of difference. Leola is a shifter. She has only done it twice on accident, but she now wants to try it on purpose.

Success! She shifts! Oh no! A wolf is not hot on her trail...she runs...and runs...collapses...and then hears the roars of three lions. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Laura Greenwood and L.A. Boruff bring us a romp through the woods (literally) in Unicorn Mates (Drowlgon Press, B07TP4BWM9, 2019) the first book in the “Valentine Pride” series. I found this book to be quite funny. Leola is sarcastic and slightly out of her element with the guys. Never mind her complete cluelessness as to her identity. I found that part to be quite hysterical.

The poly relationship is okay. I am sitting here a little stumped for the word I am looking for as to the version of it...Got it. It is the PG rated version of the poly relationships you (and I) are used to reading in romance books (laugh). I kept wanting to say candy-coated or sugar coated...I must be hungry. It is the sweetened version and definitely the lesbian version as the uhaul comes with Leola (laugh).

Once everyone meets for the second time we are already at move-in stage. (Whiplash - laugh). Anyhoo...Greenwood and Boruff have set the scene, so hopefully they bring this mystery home. Who killed Leola's parents? Where did she come from? And...I do not want to give away any spoilers so I will ask the next question in the next review (Suckers!!!! laugh).

Valentine's Day is coming, it is a great time to start the “Valentine Pride” series with me.

Unicorn Mates was previously published in the Valentine Between the Sheets Anthology as Valentine Pride.

January 30, 2020