
Triangle is a publisher who has published at least 6 editions.

A Touch of God: Eight Monastic Journeys

January 1, 1982 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 180 pages • Info New Ed 4

On Eagles' Wings - The Life and Spirit of St Chad

January 1, 1999 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 122 pages 3

Talking to the Bones

Talking to the Bones
ByKathy Galloway

January 1, 1996 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 123 pages

Following on

Following on
ByMargaret Cundiff

January 1, 1983 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 128 pages • Info First, First Edition

Called To Be Me

Called To Be Me
ByMargaret Cundiff

January 1, 1982 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 107 pages • Info First Thus

The Flying U Strikes

3 Flying U

January 1, 1933 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 304 pages • Format Hardcover 4