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null;\n}\n\nexport const exploreLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Explore\",\n href: \"/explore\",\n icon: faTelescope,\n iconDuo: faTelescopeDuo,\n description:\n \"There is no single way to find great books. Here are a few of our favorite methods to filter through the stacks and discover great reads.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const promptLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Prompts\",\n href: \"/prompts\",\n icon: faCommentDots,\n iconDuo: faCommentDotsDuo,\n description:\n \"Prompts are polls. Ask a question you're curious about, answer a popular prompt or dig into other readers answers to find hidden gems.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const listLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Lists\",\n href: \"/lists\",\n icon: faList,\n iconDuo: faListDuo,\n description:\n \"Lists are organized collections of books created by anyone. Create a list and maybe we'll feature it!\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const trendingLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Trending Books\",\n href: \"/trending/month\",\n icon: faChartUp,\n iconDuo: faChartUpDuo,\n description: \"A list of what books are read the most on Hardcover.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const upcomingLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Upcoming Books\",\n href: \"/upcoming/month\",\n icon: faCalendar,\n iconDuo: faCalendarDuo,\n description: \"A list of what books are most anticipated on Hardcover.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const recommendationLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Recommendations\",\n href: \"/recommendations\",\n icon: faWandMagicSparkles,\n iconDuo: faWandMagicSparklesDuo,\n status: \"beta\",\n description:\n \"Books we think you'll love based on every book you've rated on Hardcover.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const feedLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Feed\",\n href: \"/feed\",\n icon: faHome,\n iconDuo: faHomeDuo,\n description: \"See what others readers you follow are up to.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nconst explore: ExploreLinkType[] = [\n promptLink,\n listLink,\n recommendationLink,\n trendingLink,\n upcomingLink,\n feedLink,\n];\n\nexport const genreLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Genres\",\n href: \"/browse/tags/genre\",\n icon: faHatWizard,\n iconDuo: faHatWizardDuo,\n description: \"Browse books by genre.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const moodLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Moods\",\n href: \"/browse/tags/mood\",\n icon: faSmile,\n iconDuo: faSmileDuo,\n description: \"Browse books by mood.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const tagLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Tags\",\n href: `/browse/tags/tag`,\n icon: faTag,\n iconDuo: faTagDuo,\n description: \"Browse books by tag.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nconst tags: ExploreLinkType[] = [genreLink, moodLink, tagLink];\n\nexport const bookleLink: ExploreLinkType = {\n name: \"Bookle\",\n href: \"/bookle/all\",\n icon: faGameBoard,\n iconDuo: faGameBoardDuo,\n status: \"new\",\n description: \"A Wordle-like game to identify book pixelated book covers.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const readersLink = {\n name: \"Readers & Supporters\",\n href: \"/readers\",\n icon: faUserFriends,\n iconDuo: faUserFriendsDuo,\n description: \"Find other readers and see who's supporting Hardcover.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const blogLink = {\n name: \"Blog\",\n href: \"/blog\",\n icon: faPen,\n iconDuo: faPenDuo,\n description: \"Read more about Hardcover and what we're up to.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const liveLink = {\n name: \"Hardcover Live\",\n href: \"/live\",\n icon: faPodcast,\n iconDuo: faPodcastDuo,\n description: \"Our weekly live show where we build Hardcover in public.\",\n prefetch: true,\n};\n\nexport const roadmapLink = {\n name: \"Roadmap & Requests\",\n href: \"/api/roadmap\",\n icon: faMap,\n iconDuo: faMapDuo,\n description: \"See what we're up to next and upvote what you'd like to see.\",\n prefetch: false,\n tag: \"a\",\n};\n\nexport const supportLink = {\n name: \"Support\",\n href: \"/pages/support\",\n icon: faLifeRing,\n iconDuo: faLifeRingDuo,\n description: \"How to reach out with a bug report, question or suggestion.\",\n prefetch: false,\n};\nexport const policiesLink = {\n name: \"Policies & Terms\",\n href: \"/pages/policies\",\n icon: faScale,\n iconDuo: faScaleDuo,\n description: \"If you're into legal mumbo jumbo, you'll love this.\",\n prefetch: false,\n};\n\nexport const faqLink = {\n name: \"Frquently Asked Questions\",\n href: \"/pages/faq\",\n icon: faCommentsQuestionCheck,\n iconDuo: faCommentsQuestionCheckDuo,\n description: \"Have a question? Check here first!\",\n prefetch: false,\n};\n\nconst play: ExploreLinkType[] = [\n readersLink,\n blogLink,\n liveLink,\n roadmapLink,\n];\n\nexport const yib2023 = {\n name: \"2023 Year in Books\",\n href: \"/2023\",\n icon: faTrophy,\n iconDuo: faTrophyDuo,\n description: \"What was most popular on Hardcover in 2023?\",\n prefetch: false,\n};\nexport const yib2024 = {\n name: \"2024 Year in Books\",\n href: \"/2024\",\n icon: faTrophy,\n iconDuo: faTrophyDuo,\n description: \"What was most popular on Hardcover in 2024?\",\n prefetch: false,\n};\n\nconst labs: ExploreLinkType[] = [\n yib2023,\n yib2024,\n];\n\nexport const exploreLinks = [explore, tags, play, 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