#3 of 4 in Revelation Space
#2 of 4 in Revelation Space
#1 of 4 in Revelation Space
#4 of 4 in Revelation Space
#4 of 4 in An Ember in the Ashes
#2 of 4 in An Ember in the Ashes
#1 of 4 in An Ember in the Ashes
#3 of 4 in An Ember in the Ashes
#3 of 5 in Secret Projects
3 Elantris
#2 of 2 in The Illborn Saga
#1 of 3 in Empire of the Wolf
#2 of 3 in Empire of the Wolf
#1 of 4 in The Faithful and the Fallen
#2 of 4 in The Faithful and the Fallen
#1 of 3 in The Liveship Traders
#2 of 3 in The Liveship Traders
#3 of 4 in The Faithful and the Fallen
#4 of 4 in The Faithful and the Fallen
#3 of 3 in The Liveship Traders
#1 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#2 of 7 in The Dark Tower
#3 of 5 in The Bound and the Broken
#2 of 5 in The Bound and the Broken
#1 of 5 in The Bound and the Broken