
Have an issue with Hardcover? We’re in beta right now, so we get it. We’re a tiny team of part-timers working day jobs and working on Hardcover on nights and weekends. We absolutely want to hear what’s working – and what’s not.

Here are a few ways to get support or communicate you have an issue.

#feedback channel on Discord – The quickest way to get feedback is to jump into our Discord (live chat). Let us know what’s going on in the #feedback channel and we’ll see what we can do. Keep in mind this channel is public. This is best used for general issues where you won’t need to share personal information besides your username.

Email support – Send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you soon. I’ll usually respond the same day unless it’s a weekend or I’m living my life.

Request a Feature – We’re always trying to figure out what to work on next. You can request a feature, or upvote a feature requested by someone else.

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