
Astro Physics Math


The Grand Design

2010 • 123 Readers 3.9


Lost in Math

2018 • 43 Readers • 291 pages 4


Black Hole Survival Guide

2020 • 16 Readers • 160 pages 2.5


Welcome to the Universe An Astrophysical Tour

2016 • 33 Readers • 480 pages 4.5


Wholeness and the Implicate Order

1980 • 11 Readers • 240 pages


The Second Kind of Impossible

2019 • 5 Readers • 400 pages


What Is Real

2018 • 1 Reader


Rare Earth

2007 • 7 Readers • 338 pages


Astrophysics for People in a Hurry

2017 • 676 Readers • 144 pages 4


The Planets

#6 of 4 in Wonders of Brian Cox

2019 • 2 Readers • 288 pages 5


Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness

2006 • 5 Readers • 322 pages 4


At the Edge of Time

2019 • 7 Readers • 248 pages 3.5



1987 • 161 Readers • 342 pages 3.9


Feynman's Rainbow

2005 • 5 Readers • 176 pages


Meeting the Universe Halfway

2006 • 8 Readers • 524 pages


Secrets of Mental Math

1993 • 13 Readers • 279 pages 4



A Mathematician's Lament

2009 • 9 Readers • 144 pages 4.7


Reaching for the Moon

2019 • 5 Readers • 256 pages 4


Humble Pi A Comedy of Maths Errors

2018 • 147 Readers • 336 pages 4.1


The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets

2013 • 31 Readers • 273 pages 3.5


Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy

1918 • 19 Readers • 238 pages 4.7


Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture

1992 • 18 Readers • 224 pages 3.9


Three Roads to Quantum Gravity

2000 • 11 Readers 3.5


Schrödinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality: Solving the Quantum Mysteries

#2 of 3 in Schrödinger's Cat

1984 • 7 Readers • 272 pages 4



Math Without Numbers

2021 • 11 Readers • 225 pages 4


An introduction to the theory of numbers

1980 • 1 Reader • 456 pages


QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter

1985 • 70 Readers • 192 pages 4.6


Does God Play Dice?: The New Mathematics of Chaos

1989 • 6 Readers • 416 pages 3


The Music of the Primes

2003 • 32 Readers • 335 pages 4.3


Mathematics and the Body: Material Entanglements in the Classroom

Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives

2014 • 1 Reader


Essays on the Theory of Numbers

1901 • 2 Readers • 128 pages


Infinite Powers

2019 • 65 Readers • 360 pages 3.7