I wanted to like this book more. While there were many interesting ideas, the book isn't really accessible to the general public. We all know we hate email, but this book is more for business owners, and others in “the field” than it is for the average consumer. It's definitely a good book for some, just not for me.
This was such an amazing listening experience. So excited to have the incomparable graphic novels brought to life in my ears. Check out my full review here. https://youtu.be/u6gOu1ogzPU
Wow what a ride! Wholly different from the first book, and I know that was intentional on King's part. The story and world building are so unique, and the character development is rich. I can't wait for the next book!
Check out my book review here https://youtu.be/4AeSwxd0mVo
Such a fantastic book! Where to begin. Lisbeth Salander is one extremely intriguing character. Each book I learn more about her and her past, and this book in particular had me thoroughly captivated. I read over 400 pages in one sitting alone. Highly recommend!
Fascinating Character work and an endearing story.
Wow! This book was one of the best sci-fi novels I've ever read, second in my favor only to Dune. It's almost more literary sci-fi than hard sci-fi, and I liked that.
Unique and Captivating!
This book was absolutely brilliant! It was a little jarring at first with the Second Person narratives, until I realized why they were written that way. The character work is brilliant, and there's a unique antagonist too. Sooo good, and highly recommended.
This book was really great. I read it in less than a week, so you know it was good lol. Check out my review here. https://youtu.be/C-tNajEs-cE
Such a fun and engaging book. Perfect for those who love nerd culture. See my review here. https://youtu.be/dpwfKAHYmS0
This book was amazing. Neil Gaiman is perfectly suited to the retelling of the old myths. So many gems to be found here. Each story is quirky, strange, unbelievable, and absurd, just the way a book of tales should be. The Wedding of Freya is my favorite! I guarantee fits of laughter with that one.
Such a uniquely awesome tale!
I absolutely loved this little story. I read it in the span of a few hours. A real page turner!
Good introduction to Abercrombie
A very intriguing and enjoyable read. I'll definitely be reading the rest of the series. The characters are the best part of the story development. Glokta and Bayaz are my favorites by far. I'm looking forward to diving into this world more.
Neil Gaiman is like a best friend that you've never met, but will one day, and I fully intend to soon. He has a heart that gazes on life with sheer fascination, and an imagination that is nothing short of magic. In this collection of non-fictions from Neil, you'll be given a glimpse into the mind of imaginative perspective. Everything from his thoughts on writing, making art, and why creators create is here. Plus you get glimpses into people that have impacted his life in significant ways, such as Terry Pratchett and his wife Amanda Palmer. You'll travel with him to the rich and famous Oscars and the most destitute of the poor in Syrian refugee camps. You'll laugh and you'll cry, and if you really pay attention to his stories you'll be a better person for having done so. I would say that's true of all his stories, whether fact or fiction. Neil is a good man to have for a friend, because he makes good art.
This was a reread for me, because I'd forgotten so much and I want to actually read the entire series this time. I loved getting to experience the magic of this epic all over again. I will have a review video coming soon, and this was a buddy read, so my buddy will be joining me to talk about it.
Such a great book. It definitely had its flaws, but still a great entry in the series. Necromancy is not my favorite of the arcane arts in fantasy literature, so maybe that's why I wasn't blown away by it. The ending was really good though. Video review can be found here https://youtu.be/c_JuWB-Bz8g
A very interesting read! The magic system is very detailed and planned out, though I've come to expect nothing less from Sanderson. For him, magic must make sense in how it affects the real world, and I applaud that. The political intrigue, as always, is what sets his story apart. Fascinating characters fill the pages, and plenty of humor as well, and it keeps you reading all the way to the mostly satisfying ending. Definitely recommended!