This is a delightful book for maybe 8-12 year olds. I bought it at the recommendation of a student for some of my grandsons and read it to see if it would be appropriate for them. It is! The protagonist is a young teenage boy in 1665 who has been apprenticed to an apothecary Master. It’s a book of adventure and mystery. I have a feeling the entire series would be fun to read.
This novella is a delightful fantasy and I love the concept. The book needs more grammatical editing, in my opinion, and the prose is cumbersome, at times. Short, easy read.
This book picks up shortly after “While Justice Sleeps” leaves off. Many of the same characters continue in Avery Keene’s story, so Abrams is clearly planning a series of books with Avery as the protagonist. For me, this book moved well. Sometimes, I got bogged down in the details, but overall, it was a good and fast read.
This is a fun novel! All the twists and turns of a thriller which involves the US Supreme Court and a lot of medical research made it a good read. It took me a while to get into it and I think some of the characters would benefit from greater development, but I am definitely interested in reading more Avery Keene novels.