

Revolt in the Desert
The Splendour of Israel
Middle East Journey
Round the World in Seventy Days
In Xanadu: A Quest
The Phoenix in the Desert
The Desert Column
The Flying Carpet
Baghdad without a Map and Other Misadventures in Arabia
The Travels Of Ibn Jubayr
What the Traveller Saw
The Riddle and the Knight: In search of Sir John Mandeville
Crusader: By Horse to Jerusalem
Arabia Felix: The Danish Expedition of 1761-1767
Ox Travels: Meetings with Remarkable Travel Writers
Jerusalem: The Biography
The Innocents Abroad, Vol 2
Son of Hamas
The Letters of Gertrude Bell: Volumes 1 and 2
From Tobruk to Turkey - With the Army of the Nile
Tony Wheeler's dark lands
Eastern Flights: A Record of Escape
Holidays in hell
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Horrie the Wog-Dog
The Tribes Triumphant: Return Journey To The Middle East
The Prester Quest
Horrie The War Dog: The Story of Australia's Most Famous Dog
Gods of the Stones: Travels in the Middle East
Swirly World : The Solo Voyages
Off The Map
The Travels of Marco Polo
What Were the Crusades?
On the Shores of the Mediterranean
Riding to Jerusalem
The Voyages and Travels
The Assault on Jerusalem
The Lovely Land
Men Against the Desert
Spitfires & Spots
Views from Abroad: The Spectator Book of Travel Writing
The Trail of Marco Polo
Flightless: Incredible Journeys Without Leaving the Ground
The Soccer War
Alpha Beta
Forbidden Frontiers
Every Man In This Village Is A Liar