

Moana: The Vastness of the Sea
A Single Swallow: Following An Epic Journey From South Africa To South Wales
The Alleys Of Marrakesh
Berber Village
People of the Mirage
Lords Of The Atlas
Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday: Unexpected Encounters in the Changing Middle East
The quest for Timbuctoo
Kite Strings of the Southern Cross: A Woman's Travel Odyssey
The Rocks Remain
The Innocents Abroad, Vol 2
The Great Sahara
Corsair country: The Diary of a Journey Along the Barbary Coast
The Caliph's House: A Year in Casablanca
The wilder shores of love
Travels With Myself
The Storyteller of Marrakesh
The Accidental Adventurer
For Bread Alone
Desert Drive: A zine about crossing the Sahara
In Arabian nights
Africa Overland
Half-Safe: Across the Atlantic by Jeep
Cinnamon City
The Innocents Abroad
Lords of the Atlas: Morocco, the rise and fall of the House of Glaoua
On the Shores of the Mediterranean
White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa's One Million European Slaves
Slow Journey South
El Raisuni: Sultan Of The Mountains
Inside Africa
Into the Moorish World
Into the Hidden Land
Wind in the Sahara
Skeletons on the Zahara: A True Story of Survival
The Flying Carpet
Desert Encounter: An Adventurous Journey Through Italian Africa
Valley of the Casbahs: A Journey Across the Moroccan Sahara
Day trips to the desert: A sort of travel book
The Harem Within: Tales of a Moroccan Girlhood
Views from Abroad: The Spectator Book of Travel Writing
Kurun Around the World
The Forgotten Path
Flightless: Incredible Journeys Without Leaving the Ground
Naked Lunch
Joseph Dalton Hooker. Botanist, Explorer and Administrator
The Land of Veiled Women; Some Wandering in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco
The Queen of the South
The great railway adventure
The Life of My Choice
Peter Freuchen's Book of the Seven Seas
Tangier: City of the Dream
Travels with a Tangerine
By Bus to the Sahara
The Pillars of Hercules: A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean
Can-Cans, Cats and Cities of Ash