I've been trying to read this book for a decade.


Why the “twist”? I think I would have liked it better to have been a story of modern day Jack Turner recounting the experiences while navigating his current life.

August 16, 2023
December 21, 2023
February 8, 2024
January 4, 2024

It's a sketch comedy that you'd see only if the actor was really selling it and then everyone would winner why you keep watching it. The last 50 pages changed into a more lethargic pace but with larger strides. There's no point to this story, but most pulps are just that and that's this.

August 5, 2023
April 4, 2024

Well done propaganda.

March 2, 2024

The writing itself wasn't bad, but what was written wasn't good.


reconciling faith, fate, free will, drugs, Vietnam, and violence

September 27, 2023

Cool concept with mid writing and weak spots all over.


Some of these are fairly skippable for anyone but a completionist.

August 25, 2024