I really enjoyed this book. As a person who enjoys psychology, it is nice to look into someone head to see how a person truly feels. My reasoning for giving this book four out of five stars is because I wished that the post cards were categories. So, for the most part the book was very engaging and raw, which is great for a the type of book in this genre.
I really enjoyed this book. I loved the concept and the story behind it. The reason why I give this book four out of five stars was the fact that the book only started to get interesting during the last 25% of the book. This could be because I did not know that there is a previous book before reading Just Beyond The Clouds. Other than that I am so excited to read the next book in this series.
This book was sooo good. Some people had said the book wasn't but I am so glad that I read it. There are many things I liked about this book. The first is that the beginning of it started out with a gripping and suspenseful scene. I would not have guessed what the characters journeys would become like. Another thing that I loved is how each of the characters are different and they bring their own spin to the story. Overall, I really did enjoy this book and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.
Loved this book. It is completely different than Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I really enjoyed all of the poems and songs integrated into the story. I also like that the story went from reality, to an alternative reality than completely onto a different world. This is unique to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland where Alice went from reality straight to Wonderland. I also like the dynamic characters in Through the Looking Glass. I highly recommend this book to children and adults alike.
Although this is not of my favorite books by Karen Kingsbury I still did enjoy this book. It was relatable to me in a number of ways especially to Bailey. It was crazy to see how relationship that one might have can change such as with Bailey and Cody. The reason why I give this book 4 out of five stars is although it was captivating during some parts, other pieces of the book were just harder to get through.
This book was very creepy. I really liked how even though the story line wasn't complicated it still kept my interest. One thing I do wished the author would have done is explained why Cara had the psychology issues she had. Overall, I this was a good psychology thriller and it was a quick read.
I am diappointed I didn't like this story. The content is very dark, dealing with murder and a difficult family life. I had read another of Alice Sebold's books which was The Lovely Bones and that I enjoyed. This book however left be very confused. The constant flashback and stream of conciseness left me unsure of some plot elements. Overall, I didn't enjoy this book, but I do plan on reading her memoir Lucky and I hope I will like two out of three of her books.
I really wish I would have like this book. When reading this I was just very confused and I honestly have no clue what I read. Maybe I will pick it up and try to reread to understand it.
I was really hoping I was going to love this book, but it was just okay. I felt the plot seemed a little juvenile in the way it was presented. The story didn't get interesting until I was about 80% done with the book. I may read the next book in the series just to see what happens to the characters. Overall, this book could have been better, but I think if I was around the ages of 14-16 I would have enjoyed this book a lot more.
This book was awesome. I really enjoyed the dual first person this is not seen in many books. I enjoyed the story progressed. The reason why I gave this book five out of five stars is because I learned a lot about my own personal walk with God and how praying out loud to God wonderful as praying to Him in silent.
The book didn't grab my attention until I was about 70% done with the book. I did like how Melanie Benjamin wrote in depth about each of the characters. Overall, the book was not the best, but reading more about who the real Alice from Alice Adventures in Wonderland did gravitate me towards reading this book. I also think if you enjoy historical fiction, this would a book you may enjoy.
This was the first story that I read by Philip K. Dick. I was pulled into the story from the very beginning and it kept me constantly on edge. I agree with another reviewer that said it read like Twilight Zone episode.
I really enjoyed this book. It took me a little while to get into it, but once I did I was hooked. The characters took a while to grow on me, but that is because I couldn't completely relate to them. At first I was a little bummed by this, but than I realized that if the characters were actually people I wouldn't relate to them. These characters were very different from one another as their stories waved together. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
I really enjoyed this novel. I liked how Janette Oke took a small town girl who attended a Bible college and then she became a preacher. I also liked how she wrote about a conservative topic in Christianity. The reason why I rated this book three out of five stars was the fact that the book did not keep me completely interested. Even though I did enjoy the book it was not one of the best books that I have ever read nor was it the worst. Overall, this book taught me how to follow God's will for my life, no matter what the circumstances or the anxiety I have for that particular calling. His will is the best thing for my life.
I did enjoy this book and I want to read the next book in the series. As a teenager I had read all of the other The Diary of a Teenage Girl books and they really changed my life. Now at the age of 23, this book did not have the same affect on me as I believe it would have if I would have read it at age 14-16. Overall, I would recommend this book, I just wish I would have connected with the book more.
This book was AMAZING! I have seen the 1956 movie adaption of this book many, many times. I want to say that this book was a great extension of the movie. There were so many great background stories in the book that I really enjoyed. The reason why I give this novel five out of five stars is because of the different characters, personalities and motives of the characters and of the uniqueness novel.
I really enjoyed this book. From reading the synopsis I thought this book was going to be completely different than what it actually was. I do think this is a topic which although sensitive is something in which people should be more aware of. I do like how the characters are all different and how they each have a place within the book. Overall, I recommend this book to teens and parents.
I really enjoyed this book and God convicted me as I read it. The chapter titles really packed a punch and they helped to summarize the entire chapter. I highlighted so many paragraphs. I recommend this book to everyone as it helps reminds Christians to live whole heartedly for God.
I really did enjoy this book. I have read a few books on the topic of Hell before. There are many things I like about this book. I enjoy the appendix and the number of footnotes, so I can look up more information if needed. I do like how he explained what happened after God brought him to hell. Overall, I think this is a decent book.
This book was great. Although the content is on a tough subject matter the way in which it is written makes this book interesting. I enjoyed the point of view of the book as well as the words are display on the pages.
A Fantastic Book on Greek Mythology
I loved this book. At first I didn't know what to expect, but I loved this book. It was extremely fast paced and well written.
We have one main character throughout the entire book and it is Hope. She dealt with a lot of lose and loneliness. I did really enjoy Hope's character because she was more of an introvert because of everything she had to deal within her life. The minor characters such as Athan and others all bring out certain parts of Hope which make her a strongly written character. She has flaws and I like this about Hope because it makes her more realistic.
Plot and Setting
The plot and setting of this book was fantastic. I like that the book had an index in the back about Greek Mythology, as a reader you can understand the different Greek gods if you weren't sure who they were. I didn't look at the glossary until I finished the book, but I was still able to understand completely what was going on which was fantastic. I also like that this book was set it modern times, but the elements of Greek mythology were incorporated so well.
I Want to Read More
Thank you so much Raye Wagner for sending me a ebook of Curse of the Sphinx in exchange for an honest review. If you like learning about Greek mythology I think you will enjoy this book. It is fast paced and will keep you wanting to know what will happen next. I can't wait to read more from Rayne Wagner.
Jenna Moreci's novel Eve:The Awakening was so amazing. This book I would consider a scfi-fantasy action adventures with a hint of romance. There are many things I loved about this book. The first is the female heroine is great. The one thing I liked about her was that she wasn't perfect. The had her strengths and her weakness, which made her a realistic character. Another great thing about this book is that Jenna has a way of describing scenes which stick in your mind. When I wasn't reading the book, such as when eating a meal I was still thinking about the book. I had to remind myself that they weren't real people, but they were fiction characters. Even though Eve: The Awakening is in the scfi genre and it takes place way into the future, I still felt very connected to the book. Jenna also described the inter workings of the world all while not making things to scientific and boring. I highly recommend you pick up this book because it is great. There is cursing and graphic fight scenes, so I wanted to let you know of that if you are sensitive to that. This book is so amazing and thank you Jenna for allowing me to have an arc copy In which I gave an honest review.
I did really enjoy this collection of stories by Edgar Allan Poe and I can't wait to read more of his works.
All I want to say now is I am disappointed in this book. (My further review will be written later)