
Church History

Aquinas's Shorter Summa: Saint Thomas's Own Concise Version of His Summa Theologica

1273 • 1 Reader • 432 pages 4

A World Ablaze

A World Ablaze
ByCraig Harline

2017 • 313 pages

Bearing False Witness

Bearing False Witness
ByRodney Stark

2016 • 4 Readers • 280 pages 5

Bullies and Saints

Bullies and Saints
ByJohn Dickson

2021 • 4 Readers • 352 pages

Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism

1992 • 1 Reader • 480 pages

Christianity at the Crossroads

2017 • 3 Readers • 256 pages 4

In the Shadow of the Temple

2008 • 455 pages

Introduction to World Christian History

2016 • 1 Reader

Reading the Early Church Fathers: From the Didache to Nicaea

2011 • 1 Reader • 352 pages

Cover 8

2011 • 4 Readers • 172 pages 3.5

The Bible Illuminated: How Art Brought the Bible to an Illiterate World

2017 • 1 Reader • 208 pages

The Fathers Know Best

2010 • 3 Readers • 452 pages 5

Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future

2019 • 3 Readers • 224 pages 4.3

The Rise of Christianity

1997 • 12 Readers • 274 pages 4.2

When the Church Was a Family: Recapturing Jesus' Vision for Authentic Christian Community

2009 • 2 Readers • 240 pages 4

Who Were the Church Fathers?

Who Were the Church Fathers?
ByMarcellino D'Ambrosio