Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit !!!!!
Bis 81% war es ein 4 Sterne Buch für mich, aber dann so ne scheisse man !!!!
Jetzt stecke ich zwischen 3 bis 2 Sterne und da ich noch angepisst bin gebe ich 2 Sterne wie ein Kleinkind mit den Füßen aufstampfen
Bullshit !!!!!
Ich hasse es, wenn mir ein Buch sehr gut gefällt und es mir dann plötzlich versaut wird :(
I think it is crazy how many 1-2 stars rating she got from conservative people, because she speaks out against Trump, took COVID-19 seriously (like, a woman who had heavy operation and health struggle, takes COVID-19 seriously ... how dare she!!!!)
... it is like, people think, she let them down because she played a role when she was 9 years old, what would be a conservative role model. And then they are deeply mad, that she is her own person and not a role she played?
I think she is a smart woman, yes she is privilege and she knows. And also the reader should remember that she was a child actress, so yes her live is not normal, never was and probably never will be. (I would love to have an assistant, who helps me in life :D)
But also for me, she's trying to make the world a better place.
In the book, it sounded like, she found to herself when she moved to the cabin during covid and found happiness in simplify her life.
I wish her the best and hope she has the strength, when in need, to continuing to fight injustice and speaks up.
Für Menschen, die sich für ätherische Öle interessieren, bestimmt interessant. Für mich persönlich weniger was. Aber wunderschön gestaltet und geschrieben.
Schon erstaunlich wie das Ende (ca. 12 %) des Buches, die gesamt Wertung von 5 auf 3 Sterne herabsetzen kann, weil es sich einfach falsch angefühlt hat.
Bin auch etwas Sauer deswegen und enttäuscht >_<