ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!?!?! Why do authors end their books in the middle of the story?!? I am NOT happy. I enjoy this book, but am pissed that you have to buy two books to read what should have been in the first book. Not cool.
I completely hated the choose-your-own-adventure feature of this book (I know, this instantly makes me a horrible person), but I adore the biography. It definitely highlights the positive while navigating through NPHs personal and professional life. I love the insight.
I don't even like this genre..? The whole epic fight scenes and swords and stuff don't appeal to me.. So why is this book so amazing?
This is a cute book wrapped up perfect and topped with a bow. Unfortunately, that's not really my style. Good for those who enjoy a little mystery in life and contemporary works (maybe?), but not for those who need a strong dose of action or suspense.
Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception
Spy the Lie vs Get the Truth
If your choice is between the two, go for the latter. Good book, but this information here is mostly captured in the second book.
I refused to read this book for the longest time because I felt like I was cheating on the similar type book titled “Battle Royale”. Well, I was striking out on audiobooks on overdrive to rent so I went for this series. I never expected to be so hooked. I absolutely adored this series. I watched the movie when it came out, but found that I enjoyed the book a bit more. The characters were relatable - even Katniss, who seems a sort of emotionally disconnected. This book exceeded my expectations and I finished the next two in the series shortly after. It's rare for me to absolutely adore a series, but this did it for me.
This hit home. I relate so much to his depressive days. Great, but emotional read. Not best for those of us who connect... but I guess we will see how I handle this in the next few days.
Less wordy/scifi version of Red Rising, hints of Hunger Game, and something else. I adore this book and am so ready to reading the next one. MC was a little sharper than most people would be, but hey.. Ill take it. I wish we had Internet so I could post full reviews. Typing on the phone blows. /ramble
Yikes! I couldn't make it past the first lines without cringing. This reads like a middle grade novel (or below).
There is no way I could be productive until I finished this book. Not the strongest of endings (my swoony self wants more), but it was satisfying -Let's just say I can begin my after-book hangover in a blissful state. :)
I'm confused.. At the end of this book, it shows snapshots from the movie. Emma is in the air being held by a rope to the ground by Jacob - not Olive. Is that so..?
Regardless.. I am emotionally invested in these characters. I have not experienced this in such a long time that I don't know what to do with myself.
Great book, I will definitely be reading more in the near future.
This series is focused on the “whodunit” killer of Sutton Mercer. This would be exciting if they hadn't dedicated this entire book to someone who so so so clearly wasn't the killer. How many books does it take to lose a reader? (Psst.. Google knows whodunit.)
I am so happy I gave in and started this series despite the plot of the first book being a bit too SciFi for me. Great series seem to allow people like me to cross genre without second thoughts.
It's been a couple years since I've read this book. I was very excited when it came out - I loved the blog. The book didn't live up to the blog, but it was good. Much better than the movie that followed.
I enjoyed this, but felt disconnected. Even though this is a predictable story with very few surprises, I was entertained by our narrator and her interactions lol
On one hand, I didn't feel like this book was as good as the first two. On the other hand, I read this book in a day. I couldn't put it down and couldn't pull away without thinking about the story in the back of my mind. After finishing this book, I cried. Selfishly, this was mainly because I knew there wasn't going to be a continuation and I feel so attached to the characters and their lives that I didn't want to stop our journey. At times, the book was hard to follow, but that's honestly expected giving the various conditions of the characters. Wow. Great series!