A great retelling of the Lewis and Clark story. It was nice to hear about the other men in the expedition, and get some details I don't remember learning about in school.
Another read-aloud that my son and I read together for his History. I am really enjoying the fact that along with reading the history of the US, my son gets to experience what he's learning through the eyes of a child in this book.
The bravery and courage that little Ellen Toliver somehow finds through the course of the story is a timeless lesson for every child (and maybe some grown-ups, too). This was yet another book that my son was begging me to read more of at the end of each chapter!
A thoroughly enjoyable read, all my kids liked this one! I did too. Now that I've finished it, I completely understand the quote from Jim Trelease on the back cover of the book: “You take Little House on the Prairie, I'll take Caddie Woodlawn”.
This is one of the cutest children's books I've read in a long time. I love books that make me laugh out loud, and this is one of them. We borrowed this from the library, but no doubt, I'll be adding it to our own home library soon. A great book for parents who are tired of reading the same alphabet books over and over. This one will entertain all.
This was an amazing science book that I enjoyed just as much my son did. The author did a great job putting the size of the things in the universe and beyond in perspective, and the illustrations to accompany each analogy were humorous and memorable. I highly recommend this book!
Also great resource. Remember to update to the latest addition, information with child development change often!
I loved this book. Although this book and the other Susanna Kearsley book I read, “The Winter Sea” both take some time to get into, I really enjoy the history and believable romance that was present in both books. This book, The Rose Garden was one I ended up having to stay up late to read, because I had to know how everything turned out! I'm definitely checking out Susanna's other books!
Although I'm not sure I enjoy the way the book portrays the Indian gods/goddesses in the story, and I'm not a huge fan of “magical powers” being the solution out of sticky situations, I feel it wouldn't be fair not to give a book that made me cry physical tears anything less than 5 stars. I will not feel like a complete person until I read the next 2 books and find out what happens. sigh
Great book, with some different insight into reading people independent of body language. I learned a lot!
Very helpful book! Although my daughter is a bit too young to figure out her love language, I was able to for sure figure out my son's, and the conscious effort I've made to love him “his” way has made a difference in his overall demeanor and actions! I'm surprised! I would recommend this to anyone who has children or works with children, or have children in your family!
One of my absolute favorite books from when I was in elementary school. Years later, when my parents got divorced, the first house my mom, sister and I moved into we found a little toy lion on the ground, and at every house since then, that lion has sat outside my mom's door to her house, and that was inspired by this book. :)
What a powerful tool the knowledge in this book is. How many of us have really ever considered where our food comes from, what is in it, and who we are allowing to determine what is “good” to eat and what isn't? I had just begun to explore these questions when I picked up a copy of this book. After reading it, I definitely have a better understanding of exactly what goes into (or doesn't go into) our “standard” fast food meal along with pretty much any processed food you find in every grocery store. I am very much moved towards the idea that being extremely conscious of anything we put into our bodies as nourishment is of the utmost importance.
I don't think I will ever be able to look at a supermarket, or fast food restaurant the same way every again. Which is definitely in my best interest, along with the interests of my family.
Here's to hoping that the information I've acquired from this book will help me change my ideas, and my family's ideas of what “good” food is, and what we all choose to eat.
So, from what I gather, this book was written after the screenplay? I might have misunderstood. But anyhow, because of that I didn't have very high expectations for this book. It turns out that is was actually pretty good! Right along with the other characters in the story, I had no idea who the wolf was, and was suspicious of everyone! Usually I can figure things out enough to have some kind of hint at what is coming, but when I read the final/bonus chapter online and the wolf was revealed, I have to admit, I didn't see it coming.
That kind of makes me mad, because I should have figured it out. But I didn't. :-)
I suppose now I should go get the movie and watch it!
I'm probably rating this one a star higher than I would under normal conditions. Normal conditions being that I'm not all caught up in the emotions of the book, and not sitting here all mopey because I haven't got a hold of the second book yet to see what happens. :)
I read this long ago as a child, but just listened to the audio version with my kids. I have fond memories of making a diorama of the cake scene in this book for a project in school. :)
My kids loved this book! It's so fun introducing a new generation to Ramona.
Ok, so I picked this up at a thrift store and had to read it for old times' sake. It's was a little cheesy, but hey, R.L. Stine and his Fear Street books kept me entertained many a summer break as a preteen/teen, so I hold them in a special nostalgic place in my bookworm heart. :)
I read this book back in elementary school, and it was a very fascinating and captivating book. I remember it being one of the first books I read for ‘fun' and couldn't put it down until I finished it!
How? How is it possible that more people have not heard about and read this series?? I tell you what, Hugh Howey knows how to write a cliff hanger, that's for sure!!!
I read this book aloud to my children for bedtime, and near the middle of the book, they didn't want to quit reading, and were dying to know what happened next! For a children's book, I didn't think the ‘mystery' part of the book would be that deep, but surprisingly enough, I was still left trying to figure out what was going on up until the last 1/4 of the book!
I loved the way they fit the history in with the story, a great way to let my kiddos step back in time and pretend to be hanging out with children from Ancient Rome!