What are some books that should be adapted to the screen?Answer

Books that should be made into movies and/or shows.


1 The Cosmere

ByBrandon Sanderson

2009 • 1,383 Readers • 688 pages 4.2

Mistborn: The Final Empire

#1 of 3 in The Mistborn Saga: The Original Trilogly

Mistborn: The Final Empire
ByBrandon Sanderson

2006 • 3,509 Readers • 534 pages 4.4

Pulling Doubles

#2 of 3 in The Wright Brothers

Pulling Doubles
ByChristina C. Jones

2016 • 11 Readers • 338 pages 4


#1 of 3 in The Legendborn Cycle

ByTracy Deonn

1984 • 810 Readers • 512 pages 4.3