How did you become a bookworm?Answer

Tell us how you got into reading, what or who inspired you. Was it a book you read one day, a mentor, teacher? etc...

Alanna: The First Adventure

#1 of 4 in Song of the Lioness

1983 • 301 Readers • 274 pages 4.1

Dealing with Dragons

#1 of 4 in Enchanted Forest Chronicles

Dealing with Dragons
ByPatricia C. Wrede

1990 • 211 Readers • 232 pages 4.1

Support Your Local Wizard

1990 • 4 Readers • 480 pages 4


#1 of 3 in Dragonriders of Pern

ByAnne McCaffrey

1968 • 404 Readers • 347 pages 3.8

A Wrinkle in Time

#1 of 5 in Time Quintet

A Wrinkle in Time
ByMadeleine L'Engle

1962 • 1,393 Readers • 247 pages 3.8

The Hobbit

Middle-earth Legendarium

The Hobbit
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

1937 • 4,160 Readers • 10h 24m 4.3