What books changed your life?Answer
Books have the ability to educate, inform and inspire us to be better. What are some of the books that changed your life in some way? This could be books that gave you a new point of view, taught you a new skill, let you empathize with new people or caused you to grow in any other way.
2003 • 1,047 Readers • 4.2
2012 • 1,089 Readers • 370 pages • 4
2016 • 2,051 Readers • 168 pages • 4.2
1946 • 1,376 Readers • 240 pages • 4.3
2005 • 7 Readers • 296 pages • 4
Why this book?
This was the book that made CSS *click* for me. The idea was simple: create an HTML page and then allow anyone to create styles for it. You could browse through many different versions of the same page but with completely different layouts. Reading about how it was done helped me understand what was possible with CSS.
2006 • 7 Readers • 307 pages • 4.8
Why this book?
This is the book that taught me how to invest. It focuses on long-term, diversified, tax-efficient investing with a focus on setting up systems and then just leaving them to grow over time. This is still the approach I take to investing today.
1987 • 113 Readers • 245 pages • 4.3
Why this book?
This is an amazing book for developers who are looking to manage projects and people.
2015 • 33 Readers • 294 pages • 4.3
Why this book?
This book is my mantra for how to create websites. The concept is simple to explain but difficult to get right: how to make your users the star? How do you give them the systems and tools to be productive and heroes? If users feel amazing using your product, they're much more likely to share it.
2009 • 135 Readers • 144 pages • 4.6
Why this book?
This is a graduation speech given by Wallace that I'll always remember. I'd recommend watching it on YouTube.
2015 • 141 Readers • 240 pages • 4.1
Why this book?
Knowing what your partner appreciates most–and vice versa–is the easiest way to be on the same page. I'd recommend reading this book together with your partner and each of you sharing your most important love languages (touch, quality time, gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service).
2001 • 412 Readers • 368 pages • 4.3
Why this book?
A biography of Pixar Cofounder Ed Catmull that follows the rise of Pixar and the sale to Disney. Every creative team should read this to see how to work together productively.
Why this book?
I've been reading Joel's blog since it started. This collection of essays from it touches on many core concepts of programming that developers encounter during their careers.
Head First Series
2004 • 76 Readers • 4.2
Why this book?
This is the best book I've ever read about design patterns for software development. Although it uses Java, the concepts in it can work for any language–especially those that use classes and interfaces.
1994 • 317 Readers • 9h 55m • 4.2
Why this book?
I read this one just after I graduated college and began working as a software developer. Up until that point I'd just considered it a job. It was a skill I used (and enjoyed), but it wasn't much more than that. This book let me feel what I was doing was more about craftsmanship, building relationships, and creating things that could live on without me. Essential reading for any software developer.