Updated a reading goal:
Read 75 books by December 31, 2024
Progress so far: 25 / 75 33%
Ballet body horror was not at all a thing I'd have expected to ever find myself enjoying, but I liked this book. This is a shimmering feverdream of a novel - no jump scares here, the frightening bits roll in slowly and organically. Not everyone's topic, but the adventurous stand a good chance at enjoying this.
Ballet body horror was not at all a thing I'd have expected to ever find myself enjoying, but I liked this book. This is a shimmering feverdream of a novel - no jump scares here, the frightening bits roll in slowly and organically. Not everyone's topic, but the adventurous stand a good chance at enjoying this.
This seems like a great story, but I tend to read right before bed and this book (don't laugh) is legitimately too scary to read just before sleep. I found myself constantly terrified for the two young female protagonists. Perhaps I'll try again sometime when I have more time to read during the day.
This seems like a great story, but I tend to read right before bed and this book (don't laugh) is legitimately too scary to read just before sleep. I found myself constantly terrified for the two young female protagonists. Perhaps I'll try again sometime when I have more time to read during the day.
Gorgeous language, fascinating little historical tidbits - I genuinely had no idea Asherah was part of early Judaism, for example. I'm feeling a new special interest coming on.
Gorgeous language, fascinating little historical tidbits - I genuinely had no idea Asherah was part of early Judaism, for example. I'm feeling a new special interest coming on.