
Read it in another life 🕛

Books I know I've read in my younger years but way before tracking books became a thing and I just don't think I remember enough to track as read for stats. Too many new(er) books to read, too little time for re-reads. 🙈

Readers Count
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
  • Charles Dickens
4.04736 reads
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • William Shakespeare
3.88458 reads
A Prayer For Owen Meany
A Prayer For Owen Meany
  • John Irving
4.1199 reads
Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl
  • Eoin Colfer
3.77551 reads
As I Lay Dying
As I Lay Dying
  • William Faulkner
3.6176 reads
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
  • Charles Dickens
3.61554 reads
A Wrinkle in Time
A Wrinkle in Time
  • Madeleine L'Engle
3.76984 reads
Babe: The Gallant Pig
Babe: The Gallant Pig
  • Dick King-Smith
4.111 reads
Bridge To Terabithia
Bridge To Terabithia
  • Katherine Paterson
4364 reads
Charlotte's Web
Charlotte's Web
  • E.B. White
3.94787 reads
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Chicken Soup for the Soul
    3.7511 reads
    Chicken soup for the teenage soul
    Chicken soup for the teenage soul
    • Jack Canfield
    3.88 reads
    Ender's Game
    Ender's Game
    • Orson Scott Card
    4.251,903 reads
    Green Eggs and Ham
    Green Eggs and Ham
    • Dr. Seuss
    4.13463 reads
    • William Shakespeare
    • Millôr Fernandes (Translator)
    4.03926 reads
    • Gary Paulsen
    3.59368 reads
    James and the Giant Peach
    James and the Giant Peach
    • Roald Dahl
    3.83435 reads
    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar
    • William Shakespeare
    3.76228 reads
    • Elie Wiesel
    • Stella Rodway (Translator)
    4.34662 reads
    Of Mice and Men
    Of Mice and Men
    • John Steinbeck
    3.791,620 reads
    Party Princess
    Party Princess
    • Meg Cabot
    3.5637 reads
    Peter Pan
    Peter Pan
    • J.M. Barrie
    3.92241 reads
    Princess in Pink
    Princess in Pink
    • Meg Cabot
    3.545 reads
    Princess in the Spotlight
    Princess in the Spotlight
    • Meg Cabot
    3.5576 reads
    Princess in Training
    Princess in Training
    • Meg Cabot
    3.539 reads
    Project Princess
    Project Princess
    • Meg Cabot
    3.3527 reads
    Romeo and Juliet
    Romeo and Juliet
    • William Shakespeare
    3.471,306 reads
    Stuart Little
    Stuart Little
    • E.B. White
    3.511 reads
    The Austere Academy
    The Austere Academy
    • Lemony Snicket
    3.87320 reads
    The Carnivorous Carnival
    The Carnivorous Carnival
    • Lemony Snicket
    3.83271 reads
    The Crucible
    The Crucible
      3.61426 reads
      The Ersatz Elevator
      The Ersatz Elevator
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.91249 reads
      The Giving Tree
      The Giving Tree
      • Shel Silverstein
      4.24566 reads
      The Grapes of Wrath
      The Grapes of Wrath
      • John Steinbeck
      3.78595 reads
      The Grim Grotto
      The Grim Grotto
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.94253 reads
      The Hostile Hospital
      The Hostile Hospital
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.89212 reads
      The Metamorphosis
      The Metamorphosis
      • Franz Kafka
      • Stanley Corngold (Translator)
      3.79938 reads
      The Miserable Mill
      The Miserable Mill
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.66342 reads
      The Penultimate Peril
      The Penultimate Peril
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.96239 reads
      The Princess Present
      The Princess Present
      • Meg Cabot
      3.4415 reads
      The Reptile Room
      The Reptile Room
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.86378 reads
      The Slippery Slope
      The Slippery Slope
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.92247 reads
      The Vile Village
      The Vile Village
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.86283 reads
      The Wide Window
      The Wide Window
      • Lemony Snicket
      3.74375 reads
      To Kill a Mockingbird
      To Kill a Mockingbird
      • Harper Lee
      4.152,613 reads
      Treasure Island
      Treasure Island
      • Robert Louis Stevenson
      3.71497 reads
      Tuesdays with Morrie
      Tuesdays with Morrie
      • Mitch Albom
      3.84432 reads
      Where The Sidewalk Ends
      Where The Sidewalk Ends
      • Shel Silverstein
      4.37570 reads
      Where the Wild Things Are
      Where the Wild Things Are
      • Maurice Sendak
      4.14464 reads