What are your favorite book recommendations for new readers?Answer

New readers often struggle to find books that they connect with. It often takes exploring different genres and writing styles from a many points of views to understand your own tastes. If you've managed to find that sweet spot, what books would have helped you get there faster? What books do you wish you knew about when you started reading?

Pride and Prejudice

Cozy Classics

Pride and Prejudice
ByJane Austen

1811 • 2,741 Readers • 342 pages 4.2

Storm Front

#1 of 19 in The Dresden Files

Storm Front
ByJim Butcher

1997 • 1,260 Readers • 372 pages 3.7

The Martian

#1 of 1 in The Martian

The Martian
ByAndy Weir

2011 • 3,145 Readers • 384 pages 4.4

Mistborn: The Final Empire

#1 of 3 in The Mistborn Saga: The Original Trilogly

Mistborn: The Final Empire
ByBrandon Sanderson

2006 • 3,509 Readers • 534 pages 4.4