3.5 ⭐️ i think ?? i really enjoyed this, but i am also Confused and had to read a whole reddit thread about it hahaha
this is the most beautiful, heartbreaking book i've ever read. i cried through the whole last 20% of this
4.5⭐️ this wasn't what i thought it'd be at all!!! part thriller part super heart warming story <3 i love these characters
2.5 ⭐️ i wanted to love this so much because the hunting wives was one of my favorites last year, but this dissapointed me :( still a fun read
this was so beautiful & devestating and i cried so much!!! maybe in my top 5 favorite books ever <3
i absolutely LOVED this. i love rich people drama!!! i hated every single character so much but that's what made it so Good and Juicy