March 9, 2018
October 22, 2017

This was a fluffy little mystery sprinkled with graphic sex scenes. This has a few classic tropes intermingled - upstairs/downstairs and class issues and a whole lot of insta-love which was laid out very sappily. Not the best writing or plot but an easy, quick read.

November 14, 2021
June 5, 2017
February 18, 2018
November 8, 2020
November 11, 2020

A little dissapointing, but still a good read. It started out really slow and I was able to predict the ending by the middle, but the ending was still really well written and entertaining so I'll still be reading the rest of the series.

July 1, 2007
December 25, 2020

DNF at 40 pages. The writing felt like we were dropped right in the middle of a story and it felt very confusing. The lore wasn't set up and I had no idea who these characters were or what they were though it seemed I needed to already.


It started promising and interesting but, about 85 to 90 pages in, it took a turn and became something I didn't expect but didn't want. The boy became a lot more juvenile and it became a supernatural detective story when I was more interested in an actual serial killer.

June 15, 2014
May 11, 2009
February 2, 2020
February 25, 2020

SO. MANY. WORDS. to say a horse and a rider went through a forest listening to the sounds and smelling the smells. No wonder this brick is 880 pages. I can't do it.

November 10, 2017
June 24, 2021
April 21, 2020
March 3, 2020
November 22, 2020
May 10, 2020
March 27, 2019
October 7, 2020
October 19, 2017
December 18, 2020
July 4, 2021