“Based on a true story” OH I HATE THAT.
I was having physical reactions to how angry and upset I was getting.
I read the first 2 chapters of this book a few days ago and set it back down, thinking I wouldn't like it. Last night I picked it back up and I suddenly couldn't put it down?
What I gathered from this book: Thomas Jefferson wanted America to be a big cake full of rainbows and smiles and farming (and no Indians) and for everyone to eat and be happy (except for the Indians).
This book was great but now is my time to share this very dumb thing I made 7 years ago:
Last year I read The Troop and it was gross. This was gross AND a bummer. Thanks, Nick Cutter!
I was having a pretty okay time right up until the plot was resolved over 3 paragraphs after a major plot point. Oh, well.
10/10 new favourite book and apparently my new favourite genre (snarky astronaut thrillers - give me more!). hashtag mark watney for president.
It was fine, but it's a novelization of a video game. So, I feel like it probably goes without saying, there were a lot of pacing problems. That was really my biggest problem overall. But, again: video game.
Do these people not have wedding rehearsals?
Anyway, the actual love story here is Natalie and Gabby, and honestly Natalie is a bit insufferable. I wish there had been more of Rob's perspective and I wish we'd gotten to know Angus better. I also was not a huge fan of the big time skips. I get the why, but it felt like any momentum with Natalie and Rob just didn't exist. That's not really slow burn, to me.
This books mission statement was clearly Empire Records meets High Fidelity, but for movies.
It wasn't bad but I do feel like it would have worked better as a short story, at about 30% it drags and drags until the final like 20%.