Updated a reading goal:
Read 30 books by December 31, 2024
Progress so far: 25 / 30 83%
This is one of Stephen King's best in several years. They don't all work, but the majority are good to great and reminded me of classic SK. Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream was the highlight and had me not wanting to put the book down - something that hasn't happened in a long while. The Dreamers was a fun, creepy, Lovecraft style tale. The Answer Man has a great start and ending but felt muddled as it worked its way through the middle. Overall, highly recommended if you've ever enjoyed Stephen King.
This is one of Stephen King's best in several years. They don't all work, but the majority are good to great and reminded me of classic SK. Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream was the highlight and had me not wanting to put the book down - something that hasn't happened in a long while. The Dreamers was a fun, creepy, Lovecraft style tale. The Answer Man has a great start and ending but felt muddled as it worked its way through the middle. Overall, highly recommended if you've ever enjoyed Stephen King.
This one book is almost as long as the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy and yet seems to do little plot advancement. It feels like multiple books stuck together (Is it?) with minimal segue from one to the other. One moment Kvothe has just defeated a group of bandits and a couple of pages later he’s deep in fairyland mastering sex for what seems like 10+ chapters. It all felt a bit disjointed. Kvothe’s complete inability to make any kind of advancement with Denna has reached maximum frustration levels by the end - becoming almost comical.
This one book is almost as long as the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy and yet seems to do little plot advancement. It feels like multiple books stuck together (Is it?) with minimal segue from one to the other. One moment Kvothe has just defeated a group of bandits and a couple of pages later he’s deep in fairyland mastering sex for what seems like 10+ chapters. It all felt a bit disjointed. Kvothe’s complete inability to make any kind of advancement with Denna has reached maximum frustration levels by the end - becoming almost comical.
An incredibly detailed book covering the history of video games. Note that this is only Volume 1 and stops at Pac-Man. The remainder of the book dives deep into things like the the first penny arcades, the creation and evolution of pinball, the first games to appear on mainframe computers, and so on, in great detail. It's really interesting, but reads more like a textbook and won't be for everyone.
An incredibly detailed book covering the history of video games. Note that this is only Volume 1 and stops at Pac-Man. The remainder of the book dives deep into things like the the first penny arcades, the creation and evolution of pinball, the first games to appear on mainframe computers, and so on, in great detail. It's really interesting, but reads more like a textbook and won't be for everyone.