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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

#1 of 6 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

1979 • 3,622 Readers • 215 pages 4.2

Why this book?

When I was in Jr High about grade 7. I had to write book reports for class. At the time Iwas not into reading at all but figured If I had to read I would read what I like, that is Star Trek books. Being a big trek nerd it made sense to me. But that is all I would ever read. One day my english teacher Mrs Duff said to me "Andrew, I will not accept one more star trek book report, its time you read something else" --- So I picked up the hitchikers guide to the galaxy, Mrs duff just rolled her eyes but accepted it, and told me that the next one needs to be something other than a space book. That is when I picked up the andromeda strain by Michael Crichton and next thing I knew it I was hooked, this lead to Enders game, Shanarra chornicles and hundreds of others from ficiton, scifi, fantansy, non fiction, and to all the books I love now. If it were not for Mrs Duff requiring me to expand my reading horizons I would not be the avid reader I am now,