What could I even say about this book that hasn't already been said before. The writing is gorgeous and the story moves along at a solid pace. The only problem I had with it was the last chapter just felt really slow. This book in many areas was descriptive to a point where i felt as if i were in the house with the girls, feeling the same pain, aching, and longing that they did. This could all be because I watched the movie before I read the book but either way this book was so amazing. It is just so captivating to think of yourself as one of the boys watching the girls they idolized in a sense one by one. There were so many parts I underlined as I read it and so many moments where i just had to put the book down and try not to cry. Solid 5 stars. Jeffery writing this thru the view of the boys in the town and using non singular pronouns to describe the narrator is genius. That is what drew me in and made me feel connected because it was as if I was one of the boys watching all of this happen. The ending was cruel, . I could write what feels like an entire essay on this book and the symbolism of the girls, trees, graveyard, and the take of how suicide effects not only the family but a community, how girls are seen thru the eyes of others at a teenage state, and the suicides themselves and how they all relate. There is so much jammed into a book of roughly 250 pages and I've never had a book effect or hit me like this.
oh my god. I am a sucker for a “lets run away together” romance. The book isnt all about romance thank god. It was a quick and easy read, I enjoyed it. Couldve been more descriptive at times and had the plot start sooner than halfway in the book, but was fun. Had a few and good plot twists near the end.
I personally really liked this book, I thought it was fascinating. A lot of people who didn't like this book were upset at the repetitives of the story, or have said that the movie was better. I like to think that they like the movie better because they have no sense of imagination. this book really drew me in and had my attention the entire time. Overall one of my favs.
First book in a couple months, read all while at work, idk. With all of Donnas work im iffy about it, especially after reading The Goldfinch.
Francis solos.
the struggle ive had to finish this book, let alone pick it up again is silly. i get it, but i didnt like it
gorgeous cover/jacket. less gorgeous plot. why is the book named what it is ? glanced over parts that were important to the plot, went in depth on tiny details that were not necessary. overall terribly paced.
for my first book in verse i liked it, but i dont think id read another book in verse tbh. 3.4 stars
It has been over a year since i last touched this book and in all honesty i did really think i would read it last year but alas. I think i got to like page 80 or something then was like, fuck this book, and never touched it since. I have read plenty of reviews on this book, both good and bad, but i just have to think this book sucks. As one of my fave ppl i follow on goodreads, (säid, i think), said, this book is just tourture porn. I do eventually want to try and finish it but for now, ta-ta.
i enjoyed the later parts a lot more than the earlier. i definitely think it is overhyped but i still found it interesting.
Virgina I love you but idk this book was mid. Like I already get all this stuff and yessss feminism, I will do what I want despite judgement of others. I'm sure that this book would mean more if I was reading it in 1940, but im not. I am reading it now in 2024. Although times have changed its crazy to see that the motivation of anti-feminists really hasn't changed. Maybe I need to read it again while paying more attention. I don't regret reading it which means it has my stamp of approval I guess.
definitely a good book, but really depressing. my copy has the “fragments” section in the end that i just skimmed over. some chapters felt overdone and others felt forgotten as you read further into the book. still enjoyable.
i dont care what anyone else says about this book, i love it. I love Eleanor and i love Park. i started this book after school and I finished the book in tears the same night. its cringe at times and very disturbing at other, especially near the end/the climax. I was smiling and giggling while reading the parts where they were saying/thinking the same things but in their own chapters yk. i also felt more connected to the book because i could relate in some ways and maybe thats why i enjoyed it more than others but idk. there were also a few things about this book that seemed unbelievable but then i just think this was 1986 in Omaha Nebraska. I do feel like park could have been fleshed out w/ his relationship w/ his mom. There are also two black girls that become Eleanors friends and with park being half asian and agin this being 1986 in Omaha Nebraska, i figured there would be more discussion about racism. Really its kinda weird cuz this entire book is like how neither eleanor nor park fit in but they focussed more on how eleanor didnt fit in and not park or her black friends. I still thoroughly enjoyed this book.
3.5 stars. Very happy i got to rereading it for the first time since i was a kid. Forgot how much i loved Rick Riordan and i will now be moving on to reread percy jackson lol
read this while high and slowmaxxing
best decision ive ever made
“forever i shall be a stranger to myself”