This was everything i wanted . I have no words to express my love exept i might howl because #howler !
He's like a human monster that's really pretty too
The smallest being on the planet but knows how to fight
Don't mess with her please , i beg you .
There are a lot of the others that i also love to the mars and back !
this book is now my favourite
I want more from Sevro
the proctors are ridiculous
im glad all 3 books are out in the trilogy
do me a favour and read this , please .
glad I've got the prelude down ( the main one I wanted to read anyways )
INFINITY, here I come.
Locke ! Freaking ! Lamora ! And Jean ! Tannen ! Are my theiving sons that stole my heart from page 1!!
I will protect those two bros with my life 1000%
Warcross was a book, a book with technology, games and stress packed in over 300 pages.
I could go on and on and on about how much I love Emika and her rainbow hair and the fact that Hideo "fell in love" with her and then fell out of it because of him wanting to become what she would call a dictator.... is another thing for another day.
The team aspect is common in games but I really enjoyed the roles that the team members had, and how they all banded together like a family .
I never trusted some characters and went from loving some, to then hating them, to having no idea about how i felt about most of them. A ride with my emotions regarding the characters was something that I love to have and to fear for their lives and anticipate what they do next.
If I could read it again for the first time, not knowing how it ends or what happens at all, I would, believe me.
I started the book and then before I knew what time it was in the morning, I'd finished and I was left with questions, but I have to wait a while for them to be answered.
3.5 stars
the western elements and era was great to read about.
im getting hints of a potential romance ?? maybe ..
this book goes from 0 to 100 real quick.
I can't express my love for Henry with words even if I decided to try.
The ending was something that will stick with me for life.
I just, yeah.
This book is everything I could have hoped for and more and is a solid favourite of mine now and I couldn't be more happy after reading it.
I love one Greek class.
pro-tip : don't finish this at 11pm like I did.
This is on my yearly re-read list now too which is wonderful.
I just love them all so much. ( well most of them .)
kelsier clearly wanted to make me cry and cement his claim as my cosmere fav boi . he did just that.
( i always / mostly read books too fast/slow to update properly :// )
Um uh marie lu did thaT??? and im not getting over it . period.
i will miss my powerful dark super favs :”) and am glad i got to spend time with them !
BUT yo the pain i felt/ am feeling thanks to this book ?? unreal
4.75 stars :
I loved all the roman influences in this!
the names of characters were beautiful
the romance was something I expected from the beginning
I'd love to be at Blackcliff if I'm honest
it was good fun!
I practically binge read most of this one evening
-love, bookishwolf
100% reccomend if you would like something pure fun to read !