Read this book as part of the Stanford Continuing Studies class from the writer.
It's a collector articles by various people. Some are better than others of course.
It's worth the read given how technology is influencing every aspect of our lives.
This one is for the Turkish readers. Such a well written, simple poetic story.
I've read this decades ago and without remembering I had, picked the same book amongst many many other books during my trip to İstanbul last week. Something about it calls me I guess.
How can I rate Ernest Hemingway three stars?!
Reading short stories brought back an old affection. Thinking about reading more of them.
Ernest Hemingway is simple and powerful. Some stories more than others.
David Whyte is so natural, smooth, delicate, precise and emotional.
And this book is a great collection exposing the reader to a lot of his work.
Great product management book. More like a reference book to open up and read the relevant section as a PM.
Eger Fazil Say seviyorsaniz, ya da muzigini, kisiligini ic dunyasini biraz olsun merak ediyorsaniz bu kitap tam size gore.
Kisa yazilari ilerledikce, ozellikle muzik, sanat dunyasi, besteleri ve basina gelen olaylari/hikayeleri paylastikca kitap daha da icine cekti beni.
Swim Speed Secrets: Master the Freestyle Technique Used by the World's Fastest Swimmers, 2nd Edition
I'm a middle of the pack age grouper in triathlon races. And this book helped me improve my technique more than anything I tried so far. And I'm just starting to learn and practice it.
Richard Bach was my favorite writer when I was young.
Biplane is his story of bringing this very old biplane to home (California) from East Coast.
I am used to reading his flying stories as analogies of life which he didn't do as much in this one.
Fazıl Say'in diğer kitabı için yazdığıma benzer bir not:
Politikadan ve toplumsal olaylardan bahsettiği yazılardan daha çok müzikten, müzisyenlerden ve kendi anılarından bahsettiği makaleleri sevdim.
Özellikle beşinci (son) bölümdeki kendi müzik serüveninde, Bach ve Mozart'tan, 20. yüzyıl müziğinden bahsettiği makaleleri süper.
Keşke sadece müzik yorumları olan bir kitap yazsa Fazıl Say!
Alistair Brownlee is a legend triathlete with two Olympic gold medals and more accomplishments in triathlon.
He shares his interviews with other legendary athletes from all kinds of different sports in search of how elite athletes continue to dominate and stay on top.
Stories and points made are interesting.
However one star missing piece is the structure. Epilogue at the end does a much better job in terms of structuring the themes from these interviews than the main chapters imho.
Very simple and short intro to Vedanta philosophy.
You get what you expect.
That's all.
Sade, akıcı, yalın, sürükleyici, duygusal, gerçekçi, sosyal...
Zülfü Livaneli müzisyenligi kadar (ben ilk öyle tanıdım) başarılı bir yazar...
Kompleks, içiçe dokunmuş, beklenmedik, “terli ve pis kokulu”, ince ince işlenmiş, karanlık.
Great addendum to Joe Friel's Bible of Triathlon book for people over 50 and want to be competitive in their age group.
In short, make sure to incorporate high intensity interval and strength training in your training plan, which have so many different benefits for sport performance and health as we age.
Unfortunately, not so surprising story about how men abuse their power especially towards women and harass them in so many different ways.
And it has so many negative consequences for so many women, and lives.
The story is very interesting, especially if you are into any kind of sports.
Kara G is brave and does a good job sharing every aspect of her journey and being really vulnerable at times imho.
I can't say the same for Mary P. Meaning I assume she is the one responsible for how to tell this intriguing story in a book form and at times the book falls flat and does not take the advantage of opportunities to go deep and elevate the story with high aesthetic value.
Thank you Kara G for sharing your story.
Other than repeating the main theme of the book (progression of it our understanding of cancer has been divided into three phases) so many times, the book does a great job explaining a very complex topic fairly well.
If you are interested in learning about cancer and our latest understanding, it's for you.
I have been following Sally McRae as an ultra runner and really like her personality, uniqueness she brings to the sport.
Hence I liked reading her first 18 years of life in this super easy to read (I finished in just two sittings) book. It shed light on her life view around struggles, challenges, pain and how to deal with them, which shapes her ultra running success for sure.
Will I read her second book which she says is in the works and will tell the story of her becoming an ultra runner from a soccer player? Not sure tbh. Maybe.
Good photography but black and white.
Good story of a great athlete but short.
If you are into triathlon or sports, good one for your coffee table
Well, if you are into trail running or curious about what all this fuzz about UTMB (ultra trail du Mont Blanc) is about this is a great book.
History, characters, issues, information about the race(s) and pictures.
It was perfect timing for me: This last week was UTMB 2023 week and I'm qualified hence planning to race in UTMB 2024! Looking forward to writing my own UTMB story next year.
Very comprehensive and informative book about ultramarathons from a very experience runner/coach.
Concepts are solid (maybe a little too simplistic) but some of the examples are a little outdated.
I liked the second part (talking about people & organizations) more than the product management ideas shared in the first section. I think I found his three pillar framework a little too simplistic.
I would give 3.5 start is possible.
Bir solukta okudum, diyebileceğim bir roman.
Filozofik, psikolojik ve sosyal kavramların derinlikli, anlamlı ve akıcı (arada sırada bana biraz fazla ağır gelen ağdalı paragraflar olsa da) bir şekilde sergilenen, hikayenin de akıcı, karakterlerin de ilginç olduğu bir klasik.
Bayağı hoşuma gitti yani :)
Good book about innovation fundamentals from legendary IDEO perspective.
Product examples are slighhtly outdated however still relevant concepts.
Some chapters seemed a little longer than necessary.
Very easy to read.