Not quite as good as I remember it being 2 years ago, but still a delight! I think Darby, as a character, needs more personality than being loyal.
I recommend reading up on the Dozier School for Boys. just a note: it is very depressing
Nov 25th, 2022
I stayed up until 1 in the morning for this
April 5th, 2023
Muir is a god of prose. every line is perfect.
I think I was destined to read this. It's got everything - an overly poetic title (titles make up about 60% of my decision to read a book), mental illness, gays, the beach but cold and rocky. The Last True Poets of the Sea perfectly fills the niche that [b:Moominpappa at Sea 79551 Moominpappa at Sea (The Moomins, #8) Tove Jansson 76814] carved out in me when I was in second grade. 11/10, can't wait to reread.
why does everyone forget that suzanne collins has written stuff other than the hunger games?
I read this one as a kid, 5 stars for nostalgia, 3 for my rating now
I read this because my holds at the library weren't ready. it was a lot better than I expected tbh
comments I have recieved whilst reading this:
“that book is bigger than the bible” - my friend
“wooaahh” - fellow violist
“I could finish that in a week, easy” - book club member
silently hands me the Brothers Karamazov - my dad
“shiny, I love it” - classmate
special thanks to my therapist, who let me borrow her copy.
I was on board with this book until I got to the ‘~feminine energy~ of your mother' part. that felt weird. yes, parents absolutely have a large effect on your future relationships, but what the hell? I know I have nonstandard views about gender, but I think most people would agree with my opinion that there is no such thing as ‘feminine/masculine energies' and how parenting affects them. parents do have some effect on gender expression but?? what. I think ‘feminine/masculine energies' falls under pseudoscience.
the genetics part was cool. I found that quite interesting.
April 9th, 2023
Makes a lot more sense the second time round
December 9th, 2022:
From an enjoyment standpoint, the plot is poorly paced and confusing, but from an artistic standpoint, it makes perfect sense. The slow, disjointed feel of the first 60% or so makes the reader understand Harrow's dissociation. All of a sudden it makes sense when certain events that I shan't speak of occur and Harrow is jolted back into a version of sanity.
It's a rather violent book (not my usual taste) but that factor can be ignored when you focus on the genius of everything else.
my actual opinions of this book have been summarized in a far more clear and concise way by other reviewers than I could, so go read other reviews if you like that
on a more personal note, I spent several of my childhood summers visiting my grandparents in Skagit County, taking the ferry to Whidby Island, and eating at my favorite restaurant in Fairhaven... so reading this feels like getting shot in the heart with nostalgia
Read for Fall Reading Challenge: Stories Past and Future
This is the first book I truly fell in love with. I don't fully remember picking it up off of the shelves of my library, but I do remember a little anxiety about my choice - I have an annoying complex about the things I enjoy. I stayed up late that night reading it, feeling awful, glorious, exhausted. The very next day, I went to the book fair at my elementary school. To my delight, Maybe a Fox was there, on the shelf next to the Bluebonnet Awards.* I had just enough money in my little plastic baggie to buy it. I did, and for a few days, I had two copies of Maybe a Fox in my possession.
I wish I could say I was writing this review fresh off of rereading Maybe, but it has been a month. I am in my procrastinating era, if I dare speak like my fellow zoomers.** It would be far easier to make a list of things it made me do than write the review it deserves, so I have chosen to be lazy. Without further ado:
1. The inside of the cover reads, “The property of [REDACTED] and foxes everywhere”, accompanied by a drawing of a fox.
2. I drew many foxes, one of which still hangs above my bed. They were my favorite animal for quite a while.
3. I collect wish rocks. The ones in the book are never noted to have complete, unbroken stripes circling them, but somehow I got it into my head that they did. Oh, the joy of false memories.
4. I vaguely remember making my Animal Jam character a fox. I have no idea what its in-game ID was, but I called it Vienna because that rhymes with Senna.
5. I remarked to my mom that I preferred sad endings to happy ones. I disagree with my former self to some extent; definite endings leave nothing to the imagination. A story, in my current opinion, should be stressful in the middle and left open in the end. I agree with Tolstoy, though in a slightly different way than he may have intended. “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”
*Alas, Maybe a Fox was not nominated. But the 2016 Bluebonnets really hit hard. Crenshaw, Echo, A Fine Dessert (The titular dessert is delicious, I made it once.) , The Fog Diver (There is a sequel and I desperately need to read it), Lowriders in Space (Turns out I did not, in fact, hallucinate that book. Wonderfully weird. You should read it.) Nightmares!, Roller Girl (I lost my copy and it breaks my heart.) Space Case, The Terrible Two, and Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer rank as my favorites. (I still wish I owned unusual chickens of my own.)
**Who am I fooling? I already do. One cannot escape the language of their formative years, which I am in right now.
I can't help but feel as if I am required to read this because one of the quotes is saved on my Pinterest board for a project of mine.
“It was autumn, the springtime of death. Rain spattered the rotting leaves, and a wild wind wailed. Death was singing in the shower. Death was happy to be alive.”
shh, shh, I didn't forget to post this, you're making that up. the paragraphs might be a bit messed up because I originally wrote this in a google doc, so it's just copy-pasted.
The Influences of Marcus Aurelius??? Life on his Meditations
Marcus Aurelius, an emperor of Rome during the second century, is best known for his personal journal, called Meditations by scholars. The main themes of his work can be traced to the events of his life, particularly those of the insignificance of fame and viewing illness, setback, and death as natural. This paper aims to identify some of these events and explain their influences on the themes of Meditations.
Marcus was introduced to the Stoic and Cynic philosophies by his early teachers, Diognetus and Rusticus. (Aurelius 1.6, trans Hays) These two schools of thought are present in Marcus??? work. Stoicism is marked by its belief in a rational, natural law (logos) that individuals can use to accept the events in their life and live out their true role. (Sacks) Marcus tells himself: ???Nothing is so productive of greatness of mind as the ability to examine systematically and truthfully each thing we encounter in life, and to see these things in such a way as to comprehend the nature of the Cosmos, and what sort of benefit such things possess for both the Whole and for humans?????? (Aurelius 3.11, trans Needleman and Piazza) This perspective is echoed several times in further passages. The other school of thought, Cynicism, is known for a belief in simple living, such as ignoring luxuries and living in harmony with nature. While not as omnipresent in Marcus??? work as Stoicism, it still has a large presence in Meditations. Early on in Meditations, Marcus thanks his teacher, Diognetus, for instructing Marcus to ???...desire only a simple cot and animal skin for my bed?????? (Aurelius 1.6, trans Needleman and Piazza) Marcus also expresses a love for nature, such as in 5.3: ???Judge every single word or deed that is in accordance with Nature as worthy of you?????? A good example of a Stoic practice that Marcus followed in Meditations: repetition of virtues and ideas in writing to solidify the virtue or idea in one???s brain. After all, Meditations is not a book but a collection of notes written by one man to himself. Marcus??? early instruction bred a lifelong love in philosophy, and this instruction is present all throughout his Meditations.
Marcus expressed a firm belief in the insignificance of fame. ???Or is it your reputation that???s bothering you? But look at how soon we???re all forgotten..The emptiness of all those applauding hands. The people that praise us–how capricious they are, how arbitrary.??? (Aurelius 4.3, trans Hays) Marcus??? rejection of fame is both an influence of his Stoic beliefs and an effect of his fame. He rose quickly to power after being adopted by Hadrian???s successor, Antoninus Pius. Once Marcus became emperor along with his adopted brother, Lucius Verus, (Hays 11) he must have felt uncomfortable with his new power. An anecdote suggests he was so worried about his new power that he had a servant whisper to him ???remember, you are only mortal??? during military parades. While most likely untrue, the anecdote serves as an example of how notable Marcus??? humble demeanor was.
Another theme that recurs in Marcus??? work is mortality and the finite nature of time. Like all Romans, he lost many people in his life due to everyday illnesses and accidents. He lost his adoptive father, his adoptive brother, his wife, and most of his children. Marcus frequently grappled with himself over his mortality, reminding himself that death is natural and he should accept it. He writes, ???A trite but effective tactic against the fear of death: think of the list of people who had to be pried away from life. What did they gain by dying old? In the end, they all sleep six feet under???They buried their contemporaries, and were buried in turn. Our lifetime is so brief???Consider the abyss of time past, the infinite future. Three days of life or three generations: what???s the difference???? (Aurelius 4.50, trans Hays)
Evidence of Marcus??? daily life lies in his work as well. While he never referred directly to events in his life, aspects can be gleaned from biographies ranging from probably accurate (Dio Cassius??? Roman History) to anecdotal (the Historia Augusta.) The following paragraphs are less factual and more the author???s interpretation of the Meditations and the work of various scholars, mostly Rutherford and Hays.
Marcus was often ill. In his usual style, he does not mention this, but Dio Cassius noted that ???he was extremely frail of body.??? (72.36.3, qtd. by Rutherford) Marcus fought against his need for sleep, such as in book 5.1 where he writes, ???At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: ???I have to go to work–as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I???m going to do what I was born for? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm??????? (trans Hays) He also thanks the gods ???that my body has held out, especially considering the life I???ve led.??? (Aurelius 1.17, trans Hays) Along with his unknown illness, this may refer to his survival of the plague of 166-167. (Rutherford xvi)
Being emperor, Marcus had to deal with members of the Senate and other politicians. It can be assumed that he was annoyed by them, but he used his Stoic ideas to calm himself, connecting with his general idea that humans were made to support each other. ???...Tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly???But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own–not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me???We were born to work together???To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions.??? (Aurelius 2.1, trans Hays)
As Marcus was emperor, many conflicts occurred across the empire. Among them included the invasion of a Gallic tribe, the Marcomanni, and Parthic invasions of Syria. (Boucquey) While his co-emperor, Lucius Verus, dealt most with the conflicts, Marcus still campaigned, although to a smaller degree. He even died on campaign near what is now Vienna. (Rutherford xvi) Gregory Hays points out violent comparisons in Meditations as an example of how Marcus??? war experiences influenced him. ???The gruesome vignette that opens Meditations 8.34 (???a severed hand or foot, or a decapitated head???) may well reflect Marcus??? own experience,??? Hays writes on page xvi of his translation. Marcus also uses the analogy of ???spiders are proud of catching flies, men of catching???Sarmatians??? in section 10 of book 10. He, like most, disapproves of needless violence and arguing, again connecting to his ideas of humanity???s purpose.
Marcus??? writing, like that of all people, was profoundly affected by his life. He learned philosophy from his teachers, and formed his principles from combinations of his learning and watershed moments of his life. The deaths of his loved ones led him to consider his mortality very frequently. His illnesses, though the specifics are lost to time, seeded thoughts of perseverance. His rise to power led him to disdain fame in favor of his Stoic philosophies. He reminded himself many times over of his principles through writing in order to implement them into his behavior, and those writings make up his Meditations. Even if he didn???t acknowledge it, he was a Stoic, and used those ideas to make himself a better person in the context of his life.
Works Cited
Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Translated by Gregory Hays, Modern Library, 2002.
Boucquey, Thierry. ???Marcus Aurelius.??? Encyclopedia of World Writers, Beginnings through the 13th Century, Facts On File, 2005. Ancient and Medieval History, Accessed 18 Apr. 2023.
Cook, James Wyatt. ???Cynicism.??? Encyclopedia of Ancient Literature, Second Edition, Facts On File, 2014. Ancient and Medieval History, Accessed 26 Apr. 2023.
Cook, James Wyatt. ???Meditations.??? Encyclopedia of Ancient Literature, Second Edition, Facts On File, 2014. Ancient and Medieval History, Accessed 18 Apr. 2023.
Kohn, George Childs. ???Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.??? Dictionary of Historic Documents, Revised Edition, Facts On File, 2003. Ancient and Medieval History, Accessed 18 Apr. 2023.
Needleman, Jacob, and John Piazza. The Essential Marcus Aurelius. Penguin, 2008.
Rutherford, R. B. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius: A Study. Oxford UP, USA, 1989.
Sacks, David. ???Stoicism.??? Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World, Third Edition, Facts On File, 2015. Ancient and Medieval History, Accessed 26 Apr. 2023.
Sheldon, Garrett Ward. ???Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.??? Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Facts On File, 2001. Ancient and Medieval History, Accessed 18 Apr. 2023.
Read for Fall Reading Challenge: Stories Past and Future
The true beauty of this book is not its first impression, but the way it lingers. I first read Palace Beautiful when I was seven or eight, during my older brother's soccer game. I remember sitting on a blanket behind my parents' lawn chairs, reading, thinking more about the green shirt I was wearing than the actual book. I've reread it every few years since then, and it hits harder each time. (As you can imagine, I had ultimate bragging rights in 2020 for knowing what the Spanish flu was before the pandemic.)
Palace Beautiful has made its mark on me, well and truly. When I write, I describe colors like the chapter titles. I think frequently about the concept of “extraness”. I have an interest in history, particularly the women's fashion of World War 1.
I've never been able to pin down this book as a favorite favorite, but it deserves a spot on this list for the sheer effect it has had on me.
In the beginning, there was nothing, no light, no dark, no air - nothing. Then, suddenly, a Great Dog as big as the universe came into being and then there was something...The dog panted and howled with loneliness. He lay his head down on one paw and fell asleep, and as he slept, his dreams leaked from his ear and spilled out over the nothingness...The entire universe spilled out of his dreams. When he woke, he howled with joy. Then there was everything.