I loved the storytelling in this book as it was engaging but I didn't like a single character in this book (not that I think I was meant to) and the ending just fell a little flat to me.
I loved the way they highlighted important bits of Nigeria's history such as the rampant insecurity, rigged elections and the coups but they didn't dwell too much on it as it was something that was common and citizens had to simply live with it.
august 31st - reread
I read this book again for the second time to see if my rating would change but if I could rate this higher I would.
I can proudly say this is the best book i've ever read and nothing has ever made me cry more than this.
“Just because something isn't meant to last a lifetime doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be. We were meant to have been.”
I don't know what to think about this book.....It made me uncomfortable towards the ending that I could barely bring myself to read anymore but at the same time I couldn't stop reading. And I think that's the point. It's not meant to be comfortable.
I don't know what to rate this to be honest because I feel like books like this deserve way more than being on a rating scale but I'll rate it 4/5 for the sake of simplicity.
I always emotionally connect to every single TJR book. It's like she's speaking to me through her book and no matter the context or plot in any of her books, I always have something to take from every single one of them.
Maybe needing someone isn't about you not being able to do it without them. Maybe needing someone is about it being easier if they are by your side.
This is her first book and i'm so happy to see her improvement over the years.
I honestly couldn't wait to finish this book because I just got so tired of reading about Elsie.
Also I feel like the love Elsie and Ben shared was a bit insta lovey and too dependent for me.
2.75 stars rounded up to 3 stars
It wasn't a bad book by any means but I know that I'm never gonna think about this book ever again. And it was also kinda unrealistic and cringe sometimes. I found myself cringing and rolling my eyes at some parts. And there is such a thing as too much smut because it came to a point were it became a little tiring to read and I'd find myself counting the pages to see when it'd be over.
Overall this was an enjoyable read and definitely read this if you want a boy-obsessed, sweet spicy romance.
i think this had potential but it ended up being very very boring. I had to force myself to see through to the end