this the best book of the series so far, I love how everything comes together and there were so many explosive secrets. I absolutely loved Auren in this book, i was anxious all the time for her and wanted her to finally find herself and be happy. the romance in this book was satisfying and i would love to see more of the side characters in the future and i'm curious where the series is heading as this first arc is finally over.
I enjoyed this a lot. It felt like a k-drama mystery show and it kept me reading through the night just so i can see how the mystery will unfold. Definitely recommend.
Not as captivating as the first book but i still enjoyed it so much. I loved the pacing and i was entertained all the way.
I also like Jameson a lot, so there's that.
Enjoyable but nothing mind-blowing.
I liked Sohpie's parts the most and i hated Scarlett so much which made the final part with Liam incredibly satisfying.
“When did we get here? At this place of tallied wrongs and rights. This place where we speak the same language but cannot understand each other's words.”
It's really good, YA contemporary isn't my thing so I was surprised that I actually enjoyed this one a lot. I think the author did a great job at portraying all of the hardships of a youth, miscommunications, social status, and the what-ifs.
“She's the only divine thing he's ever believed in. The only creature in this vast, cruel land who could kill him. And sometimes, in his loveliest dreams, he imagines she does.”
60% and I was thoroughly enjoying this, I just realized at the last part that I'm not really invested in the characters, maybe Lee, Power, and Crissa but other than those three not much. However, I do think this book is very well-written and plotted objectively and I also do think that this is YA political fantasy at its finest.
i'm a sucker for greek myths and Ariadne's story was one of my favorites. i enjoyed this book a lot, it's just that i didn't like the ending that much
Nesta is and always will be my favorite character in this series, besides Lucien.
i loved the focus on her trauma, her self-loath and how long-winded and remarkable her healing journey was.
I absolutely loved the Valkyries!! this series lacked strong female friendships and this one really delivered,
Emerie and Gwyn are very likeable characters, alongside the house of wind.
This could've been easily one of my favorite books because of Nesta's portrayal. it's just that there were many unnecessary things that shouldn't crossed Nesta's story and quite soured my liking for this book, I also felt different towards Cassian and the inner circle in general, i used to like them but I don't know anymore, I loved the focus on Eris's character though, and looking forward to see more of him.
“Perhaps one day, all these conflicts will end, and it won't be because of great statesmen or churches or organizations like this one. It'll be because people have changed.”
4.5 - This book blew me away. Bitterblue still remain my favorite book in the series but this one is probably the strongest.
There were a lot of things i enjoyed. I do like how the author expanded the world. The book feels very different from the previous books, which makes me wonder if it's setting up for a new trilogy. As usual, i loved the politics, but he themes of environments and the new vast technology that would probably affect the seven nations in the next years, added more strength to the world.
My favorite parts are anything with Giddon and Hava, their journey, banter and friendship were the most thing i looked forward to. I was thrilled that Giddon got his own point of view, i didn't think the author could make me love him more after the third book, but i guess i've been proved wrong. I'm also so happy that Giddon and Bitterblue ended up together. It's one of the healthiest relationships i've read about, and i hope to see more of their dynamic in future books.
I'm very excited that the next book is focusing on Hava; she's one of my absolute favorites in this series and i'm dying to see more of her interactions with Bitterblue or Giddon.
I can say for sure that this series made its way among my top favorites, because i can't help but need more of this world and its characters.
The first part was stronger than the rest, although the political intrigues were astounding as always. Loved the conflicts between Phedre and Joscelin. Ysandre was such amazing queen in this instalment.
How did this story turned down like this? the first book was fun, nothing mind-blowing but managed to capture my interest till the end. But this? this was incredibly boring.
The finale of this quartet have kept me spellbound for 500 pages. It was dazzlingly entertaining, and like the previous installments, it was as action-packed as heart-wrenching.
The characters are beautifully layered and complex. Elias, Helene, Laia, Avitas and Musa captured my heart. And I can't recall an antagonist i've sympathized with as much as i did with The Nightbringer. The author has an ability to execute powerful and emotional scenes and this book had myriad of them.
It's not quite often to love every single book in a series but this one is an exception. The world is carefully and meticulously built. The plot is very Incredible with brilliant and rich narratives.
Definitely an all-time favorite. I will have trouble finding an amazing series as this one.
Gorgeous artwork, a feisty heroine, throw in some alchemy and court intrigue. Yeah, sign me in.
The first book was a wild journey, i'm very elated that this is going to be a trilogy. I can't wait to get more of Imani and her shenanigans. Also, i hope a certain wicked djinni will get more page time in the next installment.
I'll update this review once I collect my thoughts. I know this is not everyone's cup of tea but villains' origin storylines were always my favorite and this hit every check in my list. I know I'm going controversial here, but this was by far my favorite out of the huger games books.
Solid good start. The two heroines have distinctive personalities which made it easier to relate to both in some ways. The female friendship is wholesome but not sure about the direction of the romance since I'm not sure about the two male leads so far. Although I'm sure the author is aiming to deliver a message by showing how each heroine has her view on relationships.
This book is so brutal! Definitely darker than its predecessor. I have so many thoughts that i will have trouble to convey because so much happens in this story. It was super immersive and the characters go through a lot of development. But among all the complex characters; Helene was the most remarkable to me, her loyalty and the difficult choices she has to make put her into a new kind of hell. I'm definitely rooting for her in the next books and i'm excited to see where things are going and how the story will be expanded.
It's very interesting with elaborated storytelling and gorgeous writing. I liked the settings and the premise a lot. It's a very emotional story.
My only complaint is that the middle part felt flat for me and i had no interest in Henry's story. I do, however, like how the author explores elements such as self-esteem and anxiety in his chapters.
Addie's character is very relatable, her story is equally haunting and beautiful, which makes her really unforgettable.
The most interesting and by far my favorite is the devil whom Addie made the deal with. Luc and Addie complex dynamic is the most thing i liked about this book.