Childhood series are literally the best.

July 27, 2021
April 19, 2022

while this book was short, it was informative..and heavy. I learned a lot, more than I thought I would.

March 7, 2022
November 22, 2022
September 9, 2022

i really loved this one. definitely kept me on my feet, after I turned the last page I couldn't help but want more. definitely a memorable book ❤️.

September 6, 2021
October 23, 2020

Ugh this book forever has my heart ❤️!

November 2, 2020

*4.5 Can't wait to read the next two books!❤️

February 6, 2021

I remember always reading this in middle school like twice a month. Yes, it's that good.

July 24, 2021

This may or may not be my favorite book out of the whole series.. this series was a journey.. one that I can say I genuinely enjoyed. Loved everything about it.

February 17, 2021

[8.25 stars ⭐️.] It had a slow start, but once it started to pick up, I couldn't get enough.

July 8, 2023

when I was a kid (elementary school), I read this book at least twice. 3 stars because I could've finished this earlier it just didn't hit the same for some reason.

March 5, 2022

*3.5-4 stars

February 24, 2022

This series & the characters will FOREVER have a very special place in my heart. It was a long but worthy journey

July 24, 2021

*4.5. The beginning was a bit slow for me but I still liked it a lot.

July 24, 2021

This one was really good!

July 24, 2021

[5.75 stars ⭐️.]

June 29, 2023