I have to say this is one of my more favorite novels of the Buffyverse. It's set in the time frame between season one and two, when all the characters are on summer vacation. Buffy is in L.A. with her dad throughout the story. Then it also switches back to Sunnydale and deals with the Scoobies side of their summer, including Angel too.
It's defiantly a book for those that want those gaps filled in that wasn't fully explained in the show about what really happened to everyone once the Master was killed and how everyone handled it thereafter.
A real treat for a true Buffy fan!
This was one of the books I favored more. Mostly because of how the characters conversed with one another. I was disappointed, yet again, with how they sort of missed that depth in the movie. I do remember Robert Pattinson saying how in the first movie they made him wear contacts, so he couldn't really use his eyes to convey the emotions like he does in most of his movies (i.e. - Harry Potter). And that is something I see in every movie. A good actor knows their eyes say a lot too... that's why I was so disappointed with each movie.
Anyway, enough about the movie... let's talk about the book instead. I originally read this book in 2007/2008 time frame. I do remember a friend of mine joking on line saying: “So what would you do if I bought you the ‘Edward' poster?” “I'd give it to someone else. He's not a bad looking guy, just not my type”, lol I couldn't help it, plus I also visualized when reading the series, just like Meyer's herself, Henry Cavill as Edward. (Side Note: Speaking of which, been watching that man's career since 2003! So glad he is finally moving up in the world of acting! YAY! lol... no back to your regular book blogging program...)
As I mentioned, the dialogue, is one of the big reasons I enjoyed the book so much. This time around Meyer's went deeper into the complexity of the love triangle and made the characters feel what they really truly feel. She made them put it out into the open, especially the conversations that Jacob and Edward have while Bella is asleep in the tent.
Another point of interest was the banter between Bella and her father Charlie. It was quit funny and I felt they got that right in the movie. So I'm pleased with that part beging translated from book to screen.
This book packed a lot of action sequence that I think makes up for all that romance aspect Meyer's crammed into the first two books. I respect her for trying to balance that out, because some authors over time don't try to make a series well rounded; just stick to the same old themes and moods for the story.
Anyway, overall to wrap it up, the book is worth a read at least once. I know so many guys that groan because it's too romantic, but I found the third book to have the element, but also action, blood, and some guts thrown in. It's the one book I believe guys won't roll their eyes at when their girlfriends swoon over the characters lol
It took me one month to finish this book, but it was well worth it! I was into this book WAY before all those twilight fans jumped on board in 2008. I even was the type that would bolst to my friends about how great of a book it was. I even had them read the exert to get a feel for it and they both were blown away by what Meyers had written.
This series gets a lot of flack from hundreds of people, but I don't blame them. The series was over promoted once the movie went into production and caused a rift between the readers and the non-readers of the series.
Even though I don't like the movies, the books will always be special to me.
Twilight is a great book. It doesn't compare to Eclipse, but still it's a great book. I felt as though I was in Bella shoes and could relate to her very well, especially with her clumsy issues. I've personally knew what it was like to be there from the way Meyers described the scenes in the woods to the moments at the school to her meeting the Cullen family for the first time. Each moment was priceless.
Would I read this again? heck yes! It's been years but maybe because of that it's a good thing.
The story starts off with meeting young Cassie Blake. She is just fifteen years old and on vacation in Cape Cod for the summer with her mother. She is described of having brunette hair, wavy, and petite too. Over time the read comes to find out that plans change and Cassie is forced to move with her mother to the town of New Salem, Massachusetts for both of them to live with her grandmother, who she has never met till they show up at her front door. The story continues with her meeting students, having a rocky start her first week of school, and learning something peculiar about a group of students; which either half the students are afraid of or worship the group they walk on. But for reasons Cassie has no clue about.
So no more spoiling the book, because it's awesome! For most people, they only know of this because of the show and watched the show instead. But I think for the most part, the show lacks a certain quality that the book has: magic! I'm not talking spells or doing cool things with incantations, but I'm talking that quality that book has that makes you enjoy every second you read the book.
There is something about the way that Cassie meets everyone and how she learns of the “secret”. My favorite part was that is was set in Massachusetts. The show doesn't have that. My big complaint about the show. Reason for this is the witch trials happened in Salem Mass. and that reference/story is brought up in the book too. It's one of the huge elements that is played on the last half of the book as well.
I simply enjoyed how there was a part in the beginning when Cassie sees Diana for the first time. She is described as this tall girl, with hair so long and beautifully blonde, “that is woven with the sun and the moon”. She is also described as being this unbelievably nice girl and how everyone LOVES her in school. All the girls can't get enough of her and every single guy she passes in the hall asks her out on a date.
Then you have the complete opposite to her: Faye. Faye is a this tall girl too. Dark black hair that is long and raven black. Red fire painted nails and the body of something ‘exotic'. She is always wearing clothing that is too sexy for her and doesn't give a care in the world that she goes after the boys that are never single or just flat out a challenge.
Those two characters added such a dynamic, that it was intriguing to know what they were capable of doing to anyone or to each other in their “circle”.
This book is a great read for those wanting something deeper than the show can offer, while also knowing maybe how it came about as a book. The one thing I can give away is that in the books that didn't happen on the show: Cassie's mother never died and her father wasn't a witch either. Something I didn't enjoy they doing for the show. Took away too much about the original story at hand.
Anyway, this is something to really check out if you have the time, especially if you haven't seen the show.
This is by far one of my most favorite sardonic horror books of all time! I mean who doesn't love a good guide on the horror genre!? I know I do!
This little book also packs a lot of punch with in the first few chapters. The artwork throughout the book is awesome and stands true to what is being described in each section of each chapter. I love chapter #2 the most, because it's called ‘Slasher Survival School - Masks, Gloves, and Motels'. I feel that the second section called ‘Surviving Summer Vacation', is the most fitting currently because it is summer. But also because who doesn't love those campy horror flicks where people go to cabins or take road trips or even sleep away camp plots and you just know how its going to turn out. But it makes you wanna go “hmm i wonder if I'm in one myself?”. The good news is that this book lets you know, the bad news it if you are S.O.L. for you!
Haha, anyway, this book is a MUST OWN for horror fanatics, especially of the slasher genre of the 80's, because it has everything you love and more! Seriously, you won't regret owning this book!
One of the many reasons I really love this book is it's not just about comics, it's also about the history of the comic strip, the backstory about the way the characters talk, how a comic is produced for the newspaper, and a whole bunch of other really amazing things! Most of that wasn't a priority part of the book when I was a kid over 10 years ago, because you know, as a kid the last thing you want to read is the “how to” or “history” of something unless it's fun, then it's in one ear and out the other lol
But as I grew up, I started to read the information in the book. I was surprised at the vast knowledge that Watterson put into the book itself. He even points out some of his influence for writing the famous cartoons. He was mostly inspired by The Peanuts by Charles Schultz, Pogo by Walt Kelly, and Krazy Kat by George Herriman. Way before my time, but not my parents (they graduated high school in the '70s, so they know who the last two are haha).
Anyway, as you get past the first couple of pages, you start to see some really interesting and satirical comic strips of Calvin and Hobbes.
Also, not only does the book have mainly black & white based strips, but it also has some sunday color comic ones too!
I do believe this book is a great for those that: 1) love comics, 2) are a big fan of Calvin & Hobbes, 3) all of the above!
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, tells of a story about a young girl named Clary Fray who embarks on her summer in NYC, living in Brooklyn, and ends up with a life that is far from what she calls “normal”. Along the way with her best friend Simon, her mother Jocyln, and an old family friend named Luke, they meet some interesting people. Some of these people include Jace, Isabelle, Alec, and Hodge. Things get complicated when Clary finds out about the world of the Shadowhunters and their ways of living. The end result is an epic journey into the unknown and the ability to not only trust herself, but that of others as she beings self rediscover of her past that makes her finally feel like she belongs in the sea of 1.8 billon people.
I'm not sure who has read the book, but I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum.
My only issue with the story was how the characters Clary and Jace turned out in the end. It felt like a true greek tragedy to the point of how they found out a missing link between them: Valentine. That in itself kind of rubbed me wrong on a few levels, I mean if they were “cousins” then thats a different story and I would have been chill with... but they are not. Kind of takes it to a whole new ice factor level.
Anyway, the story itself was great! I loved how there was a whole back history to so many well known mythology of werewolves, faeries, vampires, warlocks, and more! It made you feel as though you had another piece to the puzzle of this story come alive.
I did enjoy the descriptions of the landscape, because of my own adventures in Manhattan over the years. I could picture the driving along the hudson river past the building on the west side, the imagery of the village with the cobble stone on the ground, the grand cathedrals standing tall in downtown, and the way it was when you get to the subways. Everything was perfectly described and I have to thank Cassandra for adding that amazing touch to the story!
I do however found it to be slow twice in the book, but that's because sometimes a first novel has that happen. The need to get out certain details and making the reader understand the world that which these characters come from too.
Lastly, I feel like there was something missing in regards to some more backstory about the characters. I can't put my finger on it, but something felt left out. I'm hoping it's in the sequel because it's the reason I couldn't give it 5 stars and the way things played out with Clary and Jace too is the other.
Overall this is a good book for those that have an obsession with YA paranormal mythology/folklore based in werewolves, vampires, faeries, etc...
This book is VERY different from the television show. First off, most of the kids in the book do a lot of drugs, i mean all the kids smoke, get high, and do a lot of recreational drugs.
It starts off with Blair being bulimic. It goes on to mention how Dan smokes and you find out Chuck and Nate getting high in the park on the way to school. Serena is very conceited in this book, then on the show. Blair in the book is more human than in the show (ie - less b***hy). I also feel this book stays more true to lifestyle of the upper east side in manhattan. Even with the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of it.
I did enjoy the book a lot though. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but it wasn't boring either. This is more of a book for young girls, more so who aren't too impressionable, because of the activities that go on in the book.
The story starts off with Harry stuck at the Dursley's house and for his birthday. They get so mad at the boy they lock him away in this room for the rest of the summer. I know, crazy right? But of course Ron comes to the rescue for Harry and they go back to the Wesley household. From there on out the Harry, Ron, and Hermione start another fabulous adventure, all the while learning about some of the past. The key to want will become information in how “thou shall not be named” makes his return!
I read this book over 10 years ago. I have yet to re-read it but that is one of my goals in the next six months; to re-read the entire first four books of the series and try to finish the 5th one as well. I never read the last two, but I heard they are amazing! One good reason for my to dive right back into the wonderful series.
Anyway, I was just a ‘tween' when I started the series back in 1999. I ate up the first one faster than I've ever read anything in my entire life! The 2nd book didn't stand a chance when my mother bought it for me. The way the story makes you feel, as though you are really there, immersed in this magical world. It's a priceless piece of imagination that no other series has done in the last 20+ years for children and everyone else of all ages.
I'd recommend this book, of course, to those that read the first book. But also to those that haven't read the first two. I'd give them both to someone who loves the read and take a truly amazing journey with books.
J.K. Rowling is simply a visionary in story telling. I wish she would maybe write a pre-quel to the books about maybe how things began or how Harry's parents were as teenagers at Hogwarts. I think that other fans of the series would love that too, mostly due to the fact that on ‘Pottermore' she explains some backstory information. Some of that included that his Aunt Petunia, she is Harry's mother's Sister, which meant she is a witch herself! She denied her magical side and well ended up marring Veron, a muggle, and had a very boring life. This means his cousin Dudley is half muggle and doesn't know about it. Things like that could make a very lovely story! But alas Rowling doesn't want to write anymore of the ‘Harry Potter' world.
So in conclusion, if you haven't read the series, you may want to or wait, because next year for the first time ever, the eBooks will be available. So no matter how you decide to read it, this series isn't one to miss, especially this one from the series!
Read an excerpt of the story (just the first three chapters) and it was pretty good. Won't fully review the book till I've read it from cover to cover!
I'm excited for this because it'll be from Warner's perspective. I'm curious as to how his mind ticks and the aftermath from book one. The best part is when this book finishes (it actually has 150 pages!) it'll go straight into “Unravel Me”, which comes out in February. So thank you Tahereh and your publishing team for this awesome gift to the readers! Cannot wait to read this in October!
Devine Intervention is different in that not all that is good can be seen, at first. The two main characters, Heidi and Jerome, are an odd-couple pairing. Jerome breaks the rules, while Heidi obeys them 24/7. There was also something real in the characters portrayal and heartfelt at times, more so from Heidi's end.
From the insane moments of Jerome not thinking before speaking/doing to the scared nonsenses from Heidi, it was a true revelation from the characters as they grew up. They finally understood by the end what life means to them, why humanity is important, and why love can conquer.
I enjoyed the scenes where Jerome took Heidi all over town and explored it from his side of things. She was able to smell delicious treats and people watch like never before. However, I thought it was crazy how Jerome just kept talking in her head for over 15 years of her life!
The novel did some lagging a little bit. But by chapter 21 all the way to the end, it improved volumes. The way it played out was fantastic and had a really great twist at the end.
Overall, this book wasn't one of my favorite books, but it wasn't horrible either. I did enjoy a good ⅓ of it. Some books are not for everyone, but some are worth a read at least once. And this is one of those novels. So if you get the chance, give this one a shot just once. Then make the decision afterwards. And I would recommend this to teens and young adults, more so than adults.
So far this book has the perfect blend of contemporary fiction and that edge of a CW show from the late '90s (i.e. - see the television show Popular for examples). Chloe is such a lively character living in southern Los Angeles. She has the perfect life: popular, living in a big house, PhD parents (i.e. - surgeon mother & college professor father), 5 older brothers off to med school or doctors, and A+ junior year student.
Anyway, the only problem is: after winter break things unravel. Her best friends alienate her, every student at school is whispering behind her back, and suddenly her favorite guidance consular has retired. Chloe's world has officially gone upside down!
I can say that I adore Chloe, can't relate to her too much since she is an extrovert and I'm kind of more introverted. Besides that, I do love this character. At first in the beginning she was a little too much, slightly irritating. But by the middle of the novel, she was changing and growing as a person. This Chloe I loved! Mostly because she was always talking and never really listening to people. She would talk over others, interrupt and just flat out forget that the conversation wasn't about her. By the end, Chloe learned to bite her tongue, let others just talk and get what they needed off their chest, and really not only hear what friends and family had to say, but listen as well. It's like I'm always saying, “You only hear what I'm saying, but you are not listening to what I'm saying.”
A few key quirks that I enjoyed about Chloe include her hobby of buying vintage shoes (circa 1880-1980), her love of all things salsa bars, and the ability she has as being able to cheer people up with making them laugh. She is also the only person in her family, besides her Grandmother, who doesn't aspire to do anything medical. This is due to Chloe's rapid fear of blood and how the sight of it makes her faint.
It was very interesting to see the interactions she had with Clementine, Duncan, and her Grandmother.
Clementine is this nose pierced, black hair girl, who is the general manager of the radio program 88.8 The Edge (aka - portable five) at the high school. Her dream is to one day to own a radio station. With Chloe around, she tends to get snippy, dragon fire breathing, and apathetic towards her. Over time, Clementine eases up on Chloe and they start to bond.
Duncan is this 17 year old boy with dark hair and silvery eyes, who is always serious, fixes everything that breaks at the radio station, and is always wearing knitted scarves with a little crooked red heart at the end of each one. Much to Chloe surprises, Duncan is in her Economics class everyday, but Duncan isn't always there everyday. He works two jobs and because of this he doesn't get much sleep on school nights. As time goes on, Chloe starts becoming interested in Duncan and more. Their interactions together was engrossing. He was a silent kind of guy and rarely said more then two words to Chloe, while she would talk up a storm and Duncan would just listen. Ironically opposites do attract in this story.
Then there is her 82 year old grandmother, who nicknamed Chloe “Poppy”, for her poppy colored hair. It's stuck with her since she was born. Her grandmother has an obsession with Brad Pitt, can't bare to live anywhere but her Tuna Can (aka-trailer home), and has Parkinson's. The latter causes Chloe's mother and grandmother, since winter break, to go all “World War III”, as she put it.
The backdrop for the story was a great choice, not only for the age the main character is but just the vibe and scenery southern Los Angeles brings to a story. It fit well and flowed with how everything was with the story. I do like the descriptions given about Portable Five. The little portable trailer, the smells, sounds, even the atmosphere was fitting for the band of misfits that hung out at the radio station.
Overall I enjoyed the journey I took with Chloe. From her high points to the lower side of the tipping scale for her social life. It was an all out fun, witty, and delightful read. It's a perfect fit for teenage girls to read or anyone who likes a good contemporary novel with a female lead. Definitely worth a read once.
The idea about reincarnation is beyond awesome and adding such things as dragons and other creatures drew me in easily; let alone that cover sigh! Oh graphic designer of HarperCollins, you have gone above and beyond with it! Kudos to whoever you are haha. Anyway, this book was interesting. It left me uninterested at some points and other times excited to keep reading. Less the latter for a good chunk of the book sadly. This was one of those highly anticipated reads I had on my list for 2012. One of 5 books I had expectations for this year. I didn't really start to connect with this book till about Chapter 15, which for myself alone, is a bad sign. I felt like the protagonist was just there, not there “there” in the world (I know tongue twister). She felt more as a background voice to the story than a leading lady is suppose to for a novel. But don't think I hate the character, I loved Ana, just that she didn't find her voice in the world till the end of the book, so that was a relief.
So by Chapter 26, that's when I felt the book finally took a hold of me! Ahhh gotta love surprises that sneak up on you. I love how things progressed by this point. It felt more fluid with the writing, the emotions of the characters, and the plot overall. It was too drawn out early on with the details of how it arrived here, which is okay because there are some stories I've had to read for class in college that were super drawn out (thankfully I haven't seen anything like that in YA literature yet lol). But I felt some thing should of just been wrapped up early on and resolved or something to that extent. Felt like I was going in circles, which isn't enjoyable at times.
As I reached the last three chapters of the book, I was blown away! This is the most important part, because so much is finally answered, well not every big secret, but the ones that needed to fill in blanks about Ana, about Janan, and Menehem. I'm glad this was left to the end of the book, because it wouldn't have worked as well if it was in the middle. I'm not a fan when authors do that because it takes away the suspense and that curiosity of a good unraveling of a mystery.
Now about the characters....
I was drawn in by Sam than anything else. He is compelling and made me want to know him increasingly more than the main character, which I also find as a bad sign too. I wish this wasn't the case.
Anyway, the connection between Sam and Ana seemed to lack in certain ways the first 15 chapters in. I just felt like that spark that unites two people together, whether forbidden or not, in literature is something that lingers in the air to let you know it's fueled with passion. Not so much for these two. I could understand with the position Sam is in, but the way they both handled it really didn't sit well with me. I just feel like with how “old” Sam is, wouldn't he at least have one really good romantic bone in his body at this point? That's all I'm asking and that's all I'm lacking.
Also it was are tug and pull on the romance too. Do they kiss, do they not kiss? This was silly. I can understand since Ana had no experience whatsoever with the opposite sex in that manner, but jeez! Sam was such a tease to her. Yet in light of the situation they were both in, I could also understand. I just hope in the sequel this doesn't happen too much.
I do have to say that I enjoyed the creatures of this world, A LOT! They were some of my favorite parts, especially the Dragons. Hands down, really cool in how the author put her own unique spin on them (i.e. they spew acid, which kills people and eats through everything!)
Now for the sylph, good character to add, but I felt they were too flat. Either they should have been way more evil or some twist should of happened to make it a more rounded creature. I wanted to go further into such a malevolent situations when Ana came across them. I actually craved for something more intense. But couldn't find it with these. That was my only real let down of the book. It needs more incriminating versions in the sequel.
Overall, I've enjoyed this book. It may not be entirely for me, but I do feel others may enjoy it more. I will however read the sequel, because I've got this BIG feeling that it'll go deeper, give us more action, and a more passionate romantic scenes that the characters deserve. I also sense maybe something way more cool brewing. I can't wait to see what Jodi Meadow brings to the table and what's in store for Ana and her friends.
So this story is A-MAZ-ING! Before I dive into that let me do a short quick recap of the story....
It starts off with a young woman named Juliette who has been locked in a room for almost a full year. She gets one small window, a four walls, and one of those walls is her door with air holes. It's gray and dreary. No animals outside, no birds flying in the sky, and the grass doesn't really have that color anymore. The Reestablishment treats her and everyone else like property in this world. It's a really sad life to live in. But then Juliette's life gets thrown upside down, she experience things she hasn't in all her life, and she finally learns the truth about herself and the Reestablishment's true motivation for the world.
This story captivated me. It was like a beautifully choreographed dance on a broadway stage, watching that final number that has fireworks going off in the background while everyone is in dazzling sparkling outfits. You couldn't look away and had to watch it till the last note was sung. I was exhausted last night, couldn't sleep and finished the last few chapters of the book. I don't regret it one bit!
I'm in awe of her connection with the character Adam. I can't tell you too much, but they both have a profound effect on one another from the moment they met. He makes her come alive and she softens him to a human form of existence inside again.
The magic of how evil the Reestablishment is truly makes me think of how reckless power can be in any hands with the wrong ideas. It felt like a communist regin in charge of the people. Their way or the highway type of thinking. They shoot down people if they don't fall in like to their way of thinking. Kind of sick, don't you think? Makes me glad to live in the world that I do live in. But it was so intense to be reading it and live in Juliette's shoes for the story. I loved every moment of it!
Then the best parts were the moments that felt like poetry. Some of the most amazing words, lines, paragraphs I've ever read in all my years of living! Here is a short sample from the book:
❝ I only know now that the scientists are wrong. The world is flat. I know because I was tossed right off the edge and I've been trying to hold on for seventeen years. I've been trying to climb back up for seventeen years but it's nearly impossible to beat gravity when no one is willing to give you a hand. ❞
Mafi wrote Juliette in such a way, it made me wish I could write as beautifully as she does. Even if it's for a moment, because it was so woven perfectly with the story, the tone, mood, even the setting; the words she used made me feel alive more with each chapter. I'm so thankful for writers like her. They reinvigorate the sense of reading a book and make you ache for the next installment of the series.
Oh this book... I would recommend it to everyone, more so women because of the romance aspect dripping in through out the book. But it's beautifully done the romance, so no complaints there hehe.
Anyway, the book just literally came out yesterday, so if you've gotten a copy, you won't be sorry. If you have yet to receive on in the mail don't worry, it's worth the wait. And if you haven't bought one yet? Well depending on if your pockets are tight right now, but in the long run it's a great investment.
This is one of those books, if I could, I would throw down 10 hearts for the love of this book!
In the book The Hunger Games, is about a young girl named Katniss or Kat some people called her. She grew up in a world run by a place called The Capitol. In the country it is split up into 12 Districts and Kat lives in the last one, District 12. All she has ever known is life in District 12, till one day she volunteers herself for The Games. There on out, her life is on the line, the question is, will she survive or will she meet death before she comes back home?
I simple LOVED this book. It ends with a cliffhanger and that is why so many others end up reading the sequel, Catching Fire, of the book series.
I simple loved the dynamic Katniss has with the characters throughout the book. Her true colors and humanity shows when she is hanging around the character Rue and Peeta. What surprised me was the love-triangle. Susan Collins woven this story arc so perfectly and leaves you wondering who she will choose in the end.
What kept me reading the book was that some parts I could relate to Katniss in some ways, which I'e always found to be what a good writer has in making their books so popular (i.e. - J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyers).
I would recommend this book to both genders of reading. The women will love this book for the powerful image Katniss represents and the love triangles. For the men, it is the action and suspense that keeps you reading it till the end.
What truly struck me was thatStephen King himself loved this book! That right there is compelling enough to make anyone wonder, “why?” and set forth a reading journey.
in conclusion, the book overall was amazing. Susan Collins has written a world of fantasy that is beautifully stunning.
Sweet Evil is a truly twitter-patted roller coaster of a ride, not just with the way Anna feels, but the emotions she sees in humans around her everyday. The journey alone for her in for the thirst to have questions answered is intoxicating.
The level of disturbing graphic detail is maddening to the scene of the characters at their age was like witnessing those movie moments (i.e. - Saw). All you needed was jigsaw and it would have been a gruesome situation by the end of the story.
I commend Anna with her vibrant integrity to say “no” at certain points. Not many teens can get up that kind of courage, but I found such a reflection of myself at her age, that it made me root for her even more. She is also truly confused at best, but as she grows up, I feel she'll know more in what she needs to keep fighting the insanity of the dark side in her bloodline.
Kaidan at best, is her weakness and ultimately is her strength; a double edge sword. He is a contradiction as well. He plays on Anna's desires, tries to lure her in, yet at the same time tries to push her away. He does however warn her from the start, but that doesn't last long by the time they get towards the end of the novel. I've got high hopes for him the sequel and intrigued by how things will play out between him and the choices he makes in regards to the second to last chapter of the book.
Patti was as typical, if not a little overbearing, of a mother. I do like that they kept a few of the southern hospitality traditions, like offering a beverage/sweet tea to guests. She also was really relaxed about Anna's father coming in and teaching her the ways of his life: drugs, alcohol, and excessive use.
The culture is important to add to the story, it's a character within itself. So major points to Higgins for not missing that part.
I've enjoyed the chaos that comes from Anna meeting her father, Belial, and knowing the other Nep. children, and the training she endures to prove herself. Seeing her with Kopano was thrilling and a good change to the story. Knowing he was different than the other Nep's was nice. Let alone when she meets the others in New York. Now that was quit a scene being played out! The cruel jokes and forcing choices on the Nep's like it was everyday stuff, just seemed inhuman to none other than humans, but to them, was part of their lifestyle. It was most certainly one of those worlds I would never ever want to be apart of for those reasons and more. But it was fun to venture into for reading fun.
I love the scene when they are in New Mexico and exploring the little rest stop area. You got to see another side to Kaidan with Anna.
One fact about the book I loved is that Higgins was found on the site Figment (originally was from Inkpop, but they closed down and moved everything to Figment.) If you wish to see more about her Figment page, head on over here to see it! Anyway, on a side note this should encourage other reader/bloggers out there to maybe start writing and publishing their work over at the website. Maybe someday they can get the chance just like Wendy Higgins and Katie McGarry.
Anyway, back to the book.... I'm also dying to know how the story continues with Anna and Kaidan. It left it with such an interesting, yet simple way, that you can't help but crave more. Overall, I've really enjoyed it! Not many straight up paranormal romance books hook me, but Sweet Evil most certainly was worth every page.
Cold Kiss is a fascinating story, one that is filled with suspense, romance, even a little magic.
The readers are introduced to Wren, the protagonist of the story. She is 17, emotional, and has one big secret: she brought her boyfriend, Danny back from the dead. Her first real love. The only problem is he doesn't seem like he use to be when he was alive. Something is ‘missing', besides his pulse, when she seems him.
It's bad enough the way everything fell apart for Wren, but she has no one to talk to when Danny is back. This forces her to lie to everyone, including her own mother and sister. Her best friends are barely talking to her because of Danny. But then someone new walks into town, Gabriel, the new boy. As time goes on he won't leave her alone and he feels compelled to know Wren. From there the two begin a bond, one that started on an off note.
Now for the thoughts on the book...
The story itself was entertaining. However it left me feeling as thought something was missing, not the characters, but the way the plot played out. I think it has to do with how many horror movies I've seen and such shows as Tales from the Crypt that got me to think Danny as going to go a little choo-choo towards Wren and everyone else by the end of the book. But that is just me in regards to the dead boyfriend coming back.
Once I got past that and let those expectations go, I enjoyed the book.
I simply reveled in the aspects between Wren and all of her family, including her Aunt Mari. The reasons for this stem from the secrets that surround Wren's family that her mother just won't talk about; yet it's vitally important that someone should. It all comes down to how everything was before Wren's father left and before her grandmother passed away. When she was a child, Wren was entertained by her aunt and grandmother always being over at her house, her mother laughing, her father smiling and love just filling the air. Overtime, that all changed and Wren is devastated by this during the book.
The character dynamics played out between Wren and Danny start off simple. But by the end, was tangled up and heartbreaking. You could tell she truly loved Danny with all her heart, that kind of young love at 16 that you never forget. But I was worried for Wren, because Danny had changed. He was actually starting to remember things and how he died, which led to his manic moods. The frantic parts were when Danny forget where he was and who was there. It made Wren start to cry sometimes or get scared a little. Something a person shouldn't have to feel about love and was tainting the memories of Danny when he was alive.
And then the other boy, Gabriel. Something about him and the way he interacted with Wren was captivating. I wanted more between them, but they're young and the story wasn't all about how it unfolded in that direction, maybe in the sequel it'll happen more. Anyway, you could tell Gabriel cared about Wren in the way he was being patient and protective. I think he wanted to wrap her up in bubble wrap and keep her away from the insanity, keep her safe from Danny. This storyline needs more development, but I loved how it was in the last few chapters, because that's what sold me on the believability in how Wren finally understood what love should be between two people.
Now the story felt a little flat here and there in the book, which is okay, I was still enjoying the journey. Not sure how to describe it, but it lacked a little fire or a little more action or depth, but first books do that sometimes. It's always the sequels that go deeper and explain more. I have so many questions and I need answers.
Overall, this was a good book and worth every second that I read it. The trek from the beginning to the end was delightful and simmering, but also was cold (no pun intended!)
It may not be for everyone, but if you appreciate a good love triangle story with a twist that has a magic undead element, this could be for you.
The story of a young girl set 20-21 years from now in the future after a plague, riding on the hopes for a better life, is a little orphan annie meets I Am Legend.
Eve has been sheltered her entire life, away from all the males of the world and only a distant memory or her mother when everything was ending. Her need to survive is tested by nature and its elements, but mostly by one boy who proves to her that what she learned isn't 100% correct.
The protagonist is sort of a meek girl in the beginning. She has never seen water outside of a faucet/shower, let alone been outside the walls of her school. The girl is forced to make a choice when she discovers the truth about what really happens after they graduate. This is where the real story begins for Eve, out in New America, located on the west coast.
When Eve meets Caleb, it changes everything. She learns how to swim and how to use a weapon. She learns what love is beyond the love of a parent. It takes time, but Caleb is her saving grace in all of this hellish world. Some would think he holds her back, but I believe he helps her push forward for a better tomorrow for all the children in peril. As for Arden, the girl who went to school with Eve, she pushes Eve's buttons in ways that wakes her up and forces her to make choices. Some of which are life altering. This character is truly stone cold outside exterior, while when you get to the heart of her, is really just a sad little girl who feels all alone. Eve is the only one so far to break through to her.
As for the darker side of the story, the character Lief is a prime example of what I despise in men: ruthless, misogynist, assaulting, teenage boy. He didn't like nor understood women, let alone tried to rape Eve after a night of drinking. Situations like that are scary and do happen to women, 90% know their attacker. So to add that realism to the book is a wake-up call for the heroine. Another set of characters I do not enjoy was the King and all the soldiers that roamed the land. The king alone was a pain in my bum! He had such devilish ideas for the women and in how to rebuild society. People like that tend to be dripping with power and abuse it in horrid ways that makes your skin crawl!
Anyway, it was interesting to read about the scenery that was presented in the story. The way San Francisco looked to the Golden Gate Bridge, was eery in many ways. It was as though you could drop a pin and hear it a mile away from the absolute quiet that swept the city.
Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot. I'm very excited to read the sequel Once and see what happens to the lovely Eve and her beloved Caleb as they overcome their biggest hurdles yet.
Amanda Hocking has taken an un tapped world of fantasy and made it into reality with her novel, Switched. Here you've entered a world full of Trylle or as it's coined in the world by most: trolls.
From the moment you meet the protagonist named Wendy Everly, you know her life isn't normal. Her mother tried to kill her before the age of 10 and she ends up moving around to almost 10 different schools by the time she is 15. Her brother Matt and aunt Maggie are what keep her grounded because they love her unconditionally, no matter the mood Wendy is in. Although, throughout the book she was truly just a child in the way she acted which is explained as a trait in those of the Trylle; having a short temper. I did find it annoying at times, but luckily some of the other Trylle were worst in character than Wendy, so she was a sign of relief throughout the novel. I do however love how passionate she is about her family and the bond that was created.
Along the way you meet Finn, mysterious and also comes off at first as arrogant. But once you get to know him, you realize his secret and his ways for this attitude. Behind those brown earthy-tone eyes, lies a someone who has been through a lot and mastered the importance of a strong-will. I admired him for that but at times I kind of wanted to shake the poor boy because he was so convinced he wouldn't let his emotions get in the way of his job. Something that can be hard no just in a fictional world, but in the real world too.
Beyond that, the bond of Wendy and Finn is very much alive in this book. I love how the tension is there, so enriched with fire that keeps on burning through the novel. The love/hate dynamic is engaging for a reader and kept me intrigued. The dialogue interactions between the two was alive and kicking, sometimes kicking: “A foolish man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows he doesn't,” Finn replied absently, still looking down at the book. “That's such a fortune-cookie answer,” I said with a laugh, and even he smirked at me. (Hocking, 184)
Then the callus interaction of Kim and Elora with Wendy was tricky. I noticed how cold both were. Kim was frigid and dark, while Elora was intimidating and stoic with the power she had. But the way Elora was described physically in the book made me picture the actress from Revenge, Madeleine Stowe who plays Victoria Grayson, the dark haired beauty of a mother was a cold-hearted way of dealing with people. She is powerful and ruthless, just like Elora. (If there was a movie for this book, I hope someone sends her agent a script to play Elora, because she is perfect!)
This novel has kept me engaged. It's a rare thing and amazing at the same time when this happens and I highly praise books that can do this easily. The world of the Trylle has been very fascinating. From the way the scenery is described to the characters that live in this community, it's no secret that it's filled with magic and adventure.
The real intensity comes in around Chapter 22, when the plot takes on a big twist that later will help lead into an ending that is hard to forget, let alone into the sequel of the trilogy. Hands down this book has been excited, interesting, even fun to read. It took me longer because for two weeks straight I was sick and had a cough that left be unable to read (I once coughed for an hour straight!)
Anyway, all in all, I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves stories about mythological creatures in a new twist and light. The way that Amanda Hocking used trolls and took it to a place that hasn't been tapped into yet for young adult literature is fantastic and really well thought out. I'm excited to read the next installment and the final book in the trilogy as well!
Probably won't buy this book after what the author and her band of merry ladies decided to do to a fellow Goodreads member and go off trolling to rank all the 5 star reviews instead. Calling her a “bitch” isn't cool just because you didn't like her review. I do not condone nor respect people who attack, bully, or threaten people. I'll just get it from the library or PBS. It's a shame that they would judge a book by it's cover, when they are the ones who are from an industry of where books are made.
When the first novel left off, Amy and Elder were faced with questions, new unknown struggles, and uncertaintly to when Godspeed will reach its final destination.
A handful of questions from Across the Universe are answered, while new ones popped up for the readers. But for myself, the biggest questions was about the next set of challenges beyond Godspeed.SPOILERS!From Orion's cryptic messages to the truth about the stand still of the ship, it was any wonder if hope existed for everyone aboard. So much was at stake and obstacles kept getting thrown in Elders way. Riots, death, murder, mayhem... it was the hidden themes for the book. And it works.I was thrilled by the progression of the story. By chapter 53, I felt twitter-patted and couldn't put the book down. The tory ended on a cliffhanger that left me dying to know the next part of the journey for the two main characters. Revis had not only sucked me into the world, she made me want to be apart of this adventure that exists only in the world of Doctor Who or some other Sci-Fi media.And speaking of Sci-Fi, all those mysterious deaths with the black patches was truly genuis in a mad man way. Love will make people do some pretty crazy stuff! Especially more so when trapped on a space ship.Anyway, now let me dive into the parts of the book that fascinated the reader in me...There were some considerablly wonderful literature references placed through the novel. I was intrigued by how it was all used and the puzzle that was laid out before Amy and Elder.“Abandon all hope.” - Dante's Inferno“Follow me down the rabbit hole.” - Alice in WonderlandThese two quotes alone represent something bigger, almost foreshadowing the coming events to play out in the last half of the book. Dante's Inferno is a dark look into humanity and more. So seeing those exact words already tells of how disturbed everyone will become on the ship before the end. Then Alice in Wonderland points to how both characters may not know everything about the Godspeed and that they may in fact have to follow the trail to the truth or just like Alice herself, follow the white rabbit to wonderland and explore beyond her wildest imagination.I also was thrilled about the mystery behind the motives of each antagonist; whether they were part of the big picture or not. From the start of the riots to the peculiar realization of their “library”, no stone was unturned; except at the end (another cliffhanger!).And lastly, each fantasy bubble that was popped to make room for reality, truly helped keep the novel at a great pace that surely surpassed the first novel. Anyway... onto something fun. Now for those that are curious about maybe the year Amy was born in Across the Universe, I did some math from the dates that were in both books. Found out that she would have been born in 2005. This puts Amy in the beginning of her world in the year 2022 at the age of 17. And currently in 2012 she would only be seven years old! Amazing, huh?I would most certainly recommend this book if you read the first in the series. It answers a lot of questions, but leaves you with more in place of the ones that are answered.