Ma fatemi il piacere..
This is a nonsense-copy of X-Men.
There's a minimal plot and there's a huge love triangle.
2.75 stars.
It was an enjoyable short story, but I could not connect to the characters. The plot was pretty simple, although the setting is still interesting. I would have appreciated more explanation about the world and the shadows in typical Sanderson's style, but due to space constraints I am aware it gets tricky doing so. I am curious to know more in detail how this story and characters will connect to the rest of the cosmere.
Non ho molte parole da spendere per questo volume che si rivela una degna conclusione di una bellissima serie e la mia preferita, tra quelle che ho letto, all'interno del genere YA.
Di questi sei libri ho preferito di gran lunga la prima trilogia e, fino a poco prima di leggere questo, ero convinta che la serie avrebbe dovuto fermarsi al terzo libro, ma con questo si torna allo splendore.
Nonostante vengano introdotti nuovi personaggi per “allacciarsi” alla nuova serie che uscirà fra qualche mese, non credo di essere cosi entusiasta di proseguire. Per me questa serie è stata cosi bella che non voglio leggere nulla che abbia cosi tante similitudini con questa.
So che dovrei vederla come un semplice continuum, ma per me è difficile. Non so se per motivi commerciali o meno, ma mi fa storcere il naso il fatto che l'autrice spacci saghe per nuove quando fa un “copia-incolla” dei personaggi di TMI cambiando qualcosa qui e là.
E per me i personaggi degni di una avventura come questa sono Jace, Clary, Isabelle, Simon, Alec e Magnus, Luke, Jocelyn e un cattivo duro a morire come Sebastian.
In questo libro le uniche parti che mi sono piaciute meno (relativamente al contesto) sono state proprio quelle che avevano come protagonista Emma and co.
Quindi non sono molto entusiasta di vedere un “nuovo” personaggio che è la copia di Clary, un Julian che è la copia di Simon, e cosi via.
Insomma, Questo aspetto non mi convince. In generale, non solo in questo caso. L'unica cosa che mi incuriosisce nel proseguire è sapere come andrà avanti la storia degli SH, ecco perché Spero solo in una trama completamente diversa.
Lamentele a parte, per questo volume devo proprio dire “congratulazioni, signora Clare! Bravo!” applaude
This will count as the review of the whole series, because I am too lazy to add each volume to my library. I loved this story.
I had this and the last volume for the series lying on my bookshelf for years. I read the previous volume “Blameless” in 2016 and it is not optimal to read the story again after so many years, because I lose somehow interest and connection to the story. Unfortunately on the internet, I could not find any recaps, but on the other side, I read the mangas. That makes it as if I have read the first three books one and a half times. And I did not lose the connections to the original characters of Alexia, Conall, Lord Akeldama, and so on. I thought of writing this premise because it will highly impact my review.
I found the plot pretty uninteresting, besides a few revelations.
Regarding a couple of characters, Prof. Lyall and Ivy, we assisted a big change that looked out of character to me. I love dynamic characters: characters that change sides, that grow, that are well-developed. However, to write a well-round evolution, you need a larger amount of pages, to show the change to readers. I am not sure if these changes were hinted at in the previous books already and I don't remember them or if they were meant to be unexpected.
Overall, I found it a nice read. I enjoyed going back to my beloved and funny characters, but I found myself not very involved in the story and found those revelations not quite fitting.
4.5 stars.
I liked this novella very much. I liked the characters and the plot was entertaining. The few YA elements didn't bother me (Celaena has been arrogant only sometimes, for example).
The more I read of Celaena, the more I can't wait to read The Throne of Glass.
Bellissimo. Originale, con colpi scena da lasciare il lettore a bocca aperta. assolutamente consigliato! Brava Clare :)
If they tell me it's a retelling of Mulan, with dragons and magic, I am already standing in queue to wait for it
Loved the characters, both Leila and Vlad, and their witty dialogues. Very nice plot rich of suspense. can't wait for “twice tempted”, wanna know how the story continues ^_^
I would give it five stars, if not for Celaena's arrogance, especially at the beginning. The ending totally surprised me and even though I don't like novellas, I enjoyed this one very much.
I can't wait to read more about Celaena, Sam and the other characters!
I am going to add only the first volume even though I have read the whole series between 2020 and 2021. At the beginning I was not convinced about this series but the more I read the more a bigger story and world opened up in front of me and I ended up loving the characters and the worldbuilding with several different races.