#2 | | 3.62 | 753 reads | |
#3 | F Wall Street F Wall Street: Joe Ponzio's No-Nonsense Approach to Value Investing For the Rest of Us | 5 | 1 read | |
#4 | | 4.04 | 1,099 reads | |
#5 | The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life | 3.58 | 883 reads | |
#6 | The Soul of a New Machine | 3.97 | 37 reads | |
#7 | | 4.21 | 372 reads | |
#8 | The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage | 4.11 | 52 reads | |
#9 | The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changing the World | 4 | 12 reads | |
#10 | The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires | 3.89 | 22 reads | |
#11 | | 4.28 | 340 reads | |
#12 | | 4.09 | 1,468 reads | |
#13 | Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis | 3.47 | 234 reads | |
#14 | The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell | 3.58 | 30 reads | |
#15 | Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki
- Sharon L. Lechter
| 3.52 | 227 reads | |
#16 | | 4 | 1 read | |
#17 | 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works | 3.93 | 122 reads | |