
Gilmore Girls

Lady Chatterley's Lover

1928 • 73 Readers • 388 pages 3.6

Leaves of Grass

Leaves of Grass
ByWalt Whitman

19 • 308 Readers • 1,008 pages 3.9

Less Than Zero

Less Than Zero
ByBret Easton Ellis

1985 • 204 Readers • 200 pages 3.3

Life of Pi

Life of Pi
ByYann Martel

1980 • 1,210 Readers • 480 pages 3.8

Lisa & David/Jordi

Lisa & David/Jordi
ByTheodore Isaac Rubin

1962 • 3 Readers • 144 pages

Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit
ByCharles Dickens

1857 • 6 Readers • 209 pages

Living History

Living History
ByHillary Rodham Clinton

2003 • 19 Readers • 567 pages 3.7

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies
ByWilliam Golding

1954 • 2,736 Readers • 208 pages 3.6

Love Medicine

#1 of 8 in Love Medicine

Love Medicine
ByLouise Erdrich

1984 • 77 Readers • 367 pages 4.1

Love Story

#1 of 6 in Love Story

Love Story
ByErich Segal

1969 • 57 Readers • 176 pages 3.5

Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary
ByGustave Flaubert,Alan Russell(Translator)

1856 • 590 Readers • 368 pages 3.6

Marathon Man

#1 of 2 in Babe Levy

Marathon Man
ByWilliam Goldman

1976 • 40 Readers • 236 pages 3.4

Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter

Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter
BySimone de Beauvoir

2005 • 38 Readers • 386 pages 3.3

Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day
ByDavid Sedaris

2000 • 542 Readers • 300 pages 4


ByJeffrey Eugenides

649 Readers 4.1


ByHerman Melville

1851 • 1,092 Readers • 24h 50m 3.6

Molière: A Biography

Molière: A Biography
ByHobart Chatfield Chatfield-Taylor

1906 • 4 Readers • 502 pages

Monsieur Proust

Monsieur Proust
ByCéleste Albaret,Barbara Bray(Translator)

1973 • 8 Readers • 456 pages

More Tales to Chill Your Bones

#3 of 2 in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

1991 • 26 Readers • 128 pages 4.3

Mrs Dalloway

Mrs Dalloway
ByVirginia Woolf

1925 • 607 Readers • 282 pages 3.8

Mutiny on the Bounty

#1 of 2 in The Bounty Trilogy

Mutiny on the Bounty
ByCharles Bernard Nordhoff,James Norman Hall

1932 • 20 Readers • 400 pages 4.2

My Life as author and editor

1993 • 5 Readers • 449 pages

My Life in Orange

2004 • 9 Readers • 320 pages

My Sister's Keeper

My Sister's Keeper
ByJodi Picoult

425 Readers 3.7

New Poems of Emily Dickinson

New Poems of Emily Dickinson
ByEmily Dickinson(Editor),William H. Shurr(Editor)

1993 • 4 Readers • 136 pages

Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America

2001 • 220 Readers • 244 pages 3.6


#1 of 3 in The Night Trilogy

ByElie Wiesel,Stella Rodway(Translator)

1955 • 963 Readers • 126 pages 4.3

Northanger Abbey

Northanger Abbey
ByJane Austen

1817 • 576 Readers • 322 pages 3.8

Notes of a Dirty Old Man

Notes of a Dirty Old Man
ByCharles Bukowski

1969 • 46 Readers • 204 pages 3.3

Novels, 1930-1942

Novels, 1930-1942
ByDawn Powell

1930 • 5 Readers • 1,068 pages

Novels, 1944-1962

Novels, 1944-1962
ByDawn Powell

2001 • 3 Readers • 969 pages

Old school

Old school
ByTobias Wolff

2003 • 36 Readers • 317 pages 4.1

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist
ByCharles Dickens

1838 • 139 Readers • 511 pages 3.8

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

1962 • 1,008 Readers • 336 pages 4.1

On the Road

Duluoz Legend

On the Road
ByJack Kerouac

1955 • 779 Readers • 254 pages 3.3

Oracle Night

Oracle Night
ByPaul Auster

2004 • 20 Readers • 245 pages 3.8

Oryx and Crake

#1 of 3 in MaddAddam

Oryx and Crake
ByMargaret Atwood

2002 • 750 Readers • 402 pages 3.9

Our Mutual Friend

Our Mutual Friend
ByCharles Dickens

1865 • 86 Readers • 322 pages 3.6

Out of Africa

Out of Africa
ByIsak Dinesen,Karen Blixen

1937 • 63 Readers • 401 pages 4

Peyton Place

#1 of 2 in Peyton Place

Peyton Place
ByGrace Metalious

1999 • 26 Readers • 412 pages 4.1

Pigs at the trough

Pigs at the trough
ByArianna Huffington

2003 • 8 Readers • 306 pages

Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk

1996 • 98 Readers • 488 pages 4


ByValerie Martin

2002 • 13 Readers • 193 pages 4.3


ByT.J. Binyon

2002 • 6 Readers • 784 pages


ByGeorge Bernard Shaw

1912 • 175 Readers • 133 pages 3.6

Last finished on

ByJames N. McKean

1999 • 7 Readers • 307 pages

Reading "Lolita" In Tehran

2003 • 165 Readers • 347 pages 3.5


ByDaphne du Maurier

1938 • 847 Readers • 448 pages 4.2

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
ByKate Douglas Wiggin

1903 • 34 Readers • 228 pages 3.5

Rescuing Patty Hearst

Rescuing Patty Hearst
ByVirginia Holman

2003 • 6 Readers • 244 pages

Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door

1982 • 4 Readers • 656 pages

R Is for Ricochet

#18 of 25 in Kinsey Millhone

R Is for Ricochet
BySue Grafton

2004 • 45 Readers • 436 pages 3.6

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

#1 of 2 in Different Seasons

1982 • 117 Readers • 181 pages 4.4

Robert's Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order
ByHenry Martyn Robert,William J. Evans,+1 more

1981 • 7 Readers • 800 pages 5

Cover 8

Roman Fever
ByEdith Wharton

1934 • 2 Readers

Rosemary's Baby

#1 of 2 in Rosemary's Baby

Rosemary's Baby
ByIra Levin

1967 • 268 Readers • 319 pages 3.9

Sacred Time

Sacred Time
ByUrsula Hegi

2003 • 7 Readers • 240 pages


ByWilliam Faulkner

1931 • 36 Readers • 317 pages 3.3

Savage Beauty

Savage Beauty
ByNancy Milford

2002 • 20 Readers 4

Seabiscuit: An American Legend

1999 • 89 Readers • 560 pages 4.2

Secrets of the Flesh: A Life of Colette

1999 • 14 Readers • 592 pages 5

Selected Letters, 1913-1965

1999 • 5 Readers • 373 pages

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
ByJane Austen,Ben H. Winters

1811 • 107 Readers • 340 pages 3.6


#1 of 2 in The Rosy Crucifixion

ByHenry Miller

1949 • 27 Readers • 468 pages 4


#11 of 7 in Frontera

ByJack Schaefer

1949 • 25 Readers • 162 pages 4.3


ByHermann Hesse,Hilda Rosner(Translator)

1922 • 1,162 Readers • 152 pages 3.9

S is for Silence

#19 of 25 in Kinsey Millhone

S is for Silence
BySue Grafton

2005 • 33 Readers • 374 pages 3.9

Slaughterhouse 5

Critical Insights

Slaughterhouse 5
ByKurt Vonnegut

1968 • 2,384 Readers • 292 pages 4.1

Last finished on
Small Island

Small Island
ByAndrea Levy

2004 • 52 Readers • 441 pages 3.8


ByNick Hornby

2003 • 24 Readers • 207 pages 4.1

Song of the Simple Truth

Song of the Simple Truth
ByJulia de Burgos

5 Readers

Sophie's Choice

Sophie's Choice
ByWilliam Styron

1979 • 139 Readers • 632 pages 3.6

Cover 1

Split Rock
ByHolly Hodder Eger

2016 • 2 Readers

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

Mary Roach's Curiosities

2003 • 566 Readers • 303 pages 3.9

Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Bullseye Chillers

1875 • 1,139 Readers • 141 pages 3.7

Last finished on
Swann's Way - Remembrance of Things Past (À la recherche du temps perdu) - Book 1

#1 of 7 in À la recherche du temps perdu

1913 • 387 Readers • 444 pages 4.1

Swimming with Giants

2000 • 4 Readers • 228 pages


ByFlora Rheta Schreiber

1973 • 58 Readers • 481 pages 3.6

Tender is the Night

Tender is the Night
ByF. Scott Fitzgerald

1933 • 275 Readers • 336 pages 3.6

Terms of Endearment

#3 of 2 in Houston

Terms of Endearment
ByLarry McMurtry

1975 • 33 Readers • 416 pages 4.2

The Adventures of Pinocchio: Story of a Puppet

The Adventures of Pinocchio: Story of a Puppet
ByCarlo Collodi,Nancy Canepa(Translator)

1883 • 70 Readers • 228 pages 3.9

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

2000 • 56 Readers • 642 pages 4

The Archidamian War

#2 of 4 in The Peloponnesian War

The Archidamian War
ByDonald Kagan

1974 • 6 Readers • 400 pages

The Art of Fiction

The Art of Fiction
ByHenry James

1884 • 14 Readers • 34 pages 5

The Art of War

The Art of War
BySun Tzu,Lionel Giles(Translator)

-500 • 192 Readers • 190 pages 3.7

The Awakening

The Awakening
ByKate Chopin

1899 • 258 Readers • 220 pages 3.6

The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita
ByJuan Mascaró(Translator),Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

-400 • 146 Readers • 160 pages 3.8

The Bielski Brothers

2003 • 11 Readers • 336 pages 5

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

1865 • 8 Readers • 78 pages 3.7

Cover 3

The Children's Hour
ByLillian Hellman

1934 • 14 Readers • 75 pages 3.8

The Code of the Woosters: Jeeves to the Rescue

82 Readers 4.2

The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty

1980 • 36 Readers • 652 pages 4.7

Cover 8

2000 • 2 Readers

The Complete Poems

The Complete Poems
ByAnne Sexton

1981 • 32 Readers • 626 pages 4.3

The Count of Monte Cristo

2 Le Comte de Monte-Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo
ByAlexandre Dumas

1830 • 1,805 Readers • 1,276 pages 4.3

The Crimson Petal and the White

2002 • 84 Readers • 835 pages 3.8